Chapter 25: Storybrooke Awaits

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Third Person POV: In Rumpelstiltskin's Cell

The group of four frantically search the cell for the squid ink Rumpelstiltskin had kept in his cell. After Mulan finds an empty bottle of squid ink, Aurora takes the bottle and chucks it at the lever to the door. It falls, while revealing Kora and Hook. Kora uses her magic to take the compass from Emma's hand. Emma tries to break down the bars. 

Kora laughs, "Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell. Thank you, Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you." Snow and Emma start to scream at Aurora for betraying them. The Queen of Hearts chuckles, "Don't blame her. She was just doing what she was told." She makes the heart appear in her hand.

Emma stares at her. "You took her heart?" she exclaims.

"Actually," Hook butts in, "I did. It was a gift."

Kora looks up at Aurora, smiles devilishly, then begins to crush her heart. The princess screams in pain. Kora then says, "Forgive us, we'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits." She turns around and walks away with Hook in tow. 

"Hook, wait!" Emma shouts. Hook stops and turns to the savior. "Please don't do this. My son is in Storybrooke, he needs me."

"Well, there is someone in Storybrooke who needs me too," Killian explains, "Perhaps you should've considered that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk."

Emma shakes her head. "You would've done the same," she says.

He walks closer to the bars. "Actually, no," he explains. "And for future reference, I have a bit of PTSD with chains, so I wouldn't try that again." As Emma gives him a confused look, Killian takes out a necklace with a bean on it. "Do you know what this is, Emma?"

"The bean that the giant kept," Emma replies. She goes to grab it, but Killian pulls it away. 

"Yes, indeed," Killian answers, "A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this... Well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol - something that was once magical, full of hope, possibility. Dried up, dead, useless." He leans in closer to Emma. "Much like you," he whispers. "The time for making deals is done, just as I'm done with you." He turns and follows Kora out of the room.

Later that day at the Lake...

The magic lake began to spin as the portal begins to open. Kora holds out the compass in front of her and Killian. "I told you I'd deliver you to Rumpelstiltskin and reunite you with her," she exclaims. "Now don't let go unless you want to end up someplace that isn't Storybrooke." 

Suddenly, an arrow shoots the compass out of their hands. "You're not going anywhere! This portal's taking us home!" Emma shouts.

Snow turns to Emma. "The compass," she yells, "Get it."

Emma runs for the compass, with Mulan behind her. Snow stands strong with her bow pulled back. Kora tells Hook, "Find it first, I'll take care of them." She throws a fireball at Mulan, who blocks it with her sword. 

Emma and Hook begin to sword fight. Hood disarms her easily. Emma runs straight at him. He tosses her onto the ground. Snow shoots an arrow at Hook, which misses his back ever so slightly. Emma tries to grab her sword, but Hook grabs her foot first. He pulls her closer to the pool. 

Kora fights Mulan fiercely, but turns her attention to Snow White. When she turns into smoke, she drops the bag with Aurora's heart in it. The bag almost falls into the portal. Before it can, Hook bends backwards and grabs it. Hook stands back up and says, "I may be a pirate, but I bristle at the thought of a woman losing her heart unless it's over me."

Snow tells Mulan to go and give Aurora back her heart. Emma runs in to continue fighting Hook. Mulan gives Snow her sword. "Take it, it deflects magic," she explains before she runs to where Aurora was holding herself. 

"I had no idea you had such a soft side," Emma says as she 'squares up' to Hook. 

"I don't, I'm actually a bit of a hot head," Killian explains, "I just like a fair fight." They begin to fight. Killian and Emma hold their swords together. "Good form, but not good enough," he exclaims. Emma goes to kick him, but he grabs it. He flips her onto the ground. Killian traces his hook down Emma's sword, getting closer to her carefully. "Normally, I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back," Hook explains evilly. "But with my life on the line, you've left me no choice. A bit of advice? When I stab you with the sword, you'll feel it. Why don't you quit?"

"Why would I quit?" Emma asks as she reaches behind her back. She grabs the compass and shows it to him. "When I'm winning." Emma stands, punches Killian - knocking him out. "Now let's go home!" she shouts. 

Kora and Snow are close together. The Queen of Hearts is about to take Mary Margaret's heart out. Emma runs in front of her. When Kora tries to take her heart, it doesn't move. Emma tells her love is strength, which knocks her back. "What was that?" Emma asks as the magic is released from her. 

Snow cries with happiness. "That is a great subject for discussion when we get home."

Both of them grab the compass and jump into the portal. 

In the Enchanted Forest

Kora stares at the lake while Killian walks up to her holding his head. "We failed," Kora mutters. 

"Really, Kora," Killian says, "after all this time, why do you still doubt me?" He brings out the petrified bean.

"That bean's petrified. It's useless," Kora exclaims. 

Killian points at the water and explains, "But these waters have regenerative properties. Perhaps it's time to do some gardening." He turns the bean over in his hand. 

Kora then asks, "Have you been eating?"

Killian stays silent, but then says, "Why do you ask?"

"Because a simple punch to the face shouldn't knock you out," Kora explains.

He sighs while messing with the ring on his index finger. "Let's leave for Storybrooke."

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