Chapter 2 - The Awakening

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Season 1: Episode 5

Part 1

Raven's POV

"Hey, laddie," I say as Henry and Doctor Hopper walk out of the office. Henry runs to me and embraces me in a tight hug. I smile, looking up to give a nod to the doctor.

"Did you feel that?" Henry asks excitedly. 

Doctor Hopper interrupts before I can answer. "Miss Gold, may I ask what you are doing here? I thought you were done with our sessions for quite some time."

I mess up Henry's hair. "Madam Mayor called and asked if I can pick him up," I reply. "I can only expect she went to where the quake had occurred from." I lean down towards Henry and whisper, "Nothing but the mines, no biggie." I wink at him and he lets out a small laugh.

"Can we go?" Henry asks. I nod and motion towards the car I had come in.

"Miss Gold, I cannot let you take that boy towards the danger zone," Doctor Hopper exclaims. "Sending a ten year old boy into a dangerous area would certainly be dangerous. And you might certainly get fired by the Mayor. Are you not scared of that?"

I walk towards my car and open the door. Henry slides inside; I shut the door. "When will you learn, Doctor," I explain. "The Mayor doesn't scare me. She is the one who should be afraid of me." Doctor Hopper doesn't know what to say to my response.

I open the driver's side door. Before I can get in, the Doctor says, "At least can I accompany you? You would be in less trouble then." I sigh in an annoyed way. I walk over to the passenger side door. I open it and motion him to get in. He smiles, quickly walking over in my direction. He gets inside the car. I shut the door and groan. 'This is gonna be a long night,' I think to myself.


We park a little ways away from the construction site. We leave the car and walk towards the commotion. Even before we can reach the area, I can hear Regina speaking to the people. "I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe, to rehabilitate it into city use," she says. I groan and think, 'She's still as manipulative as ever.' "We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it."

"Pave it?" Henry speaks up. Regina looks right at him, then up at me. She gives me a look of anger. I smile as Henry speaks his mind. "What if there's something down there?"

Regina lowers her voice, but I hear it clear as crystal. "Henry, what are you doing here?" she asks. Henry asks her what is down there. "Nothing," she replies, "Now step back." She raises her voice again. "In fact, everyone, please, please step back." 

I stay forward as everyone else backs up. Regina does not seem to notice me. She leans down and picks something up off the ground. She picks something up and puts it into her pocket. "What was that?" Henry asks.

"Henry, enough." Regina approaches him annoyed. "Listen," she explains after pulling him away. "this is a safety issue. Wait in the car."

Henry looks up at me, as if waiting for me to retort against her. "Go to the car, laddie. I'll be there for you soon." He gives in, walking to the car. 

Regina walks towards a woman in a red jacket. I follow her without consent. Standing there in a circle with them became awkward, so Regina introduced us. "Miss Swan, this is Raven Gold," she explains, "Miss Gold, Emma Swan."

"Nice to meet you dearie," I say as I shake her hand, "I babysit the lad from time to time." Even from where I'm standing, I can smell her scent. She smells delectable; she would make such a fine meal. I push my thoughts aside when she starts speaking.

"Dearie..? Gold..? Are you..?" Emma Swan starts to say. I nod with a sarcastic smile across my face. 

After a brief silence, Regina speaks, "Deputy Swan, Sheriff, cordon off the area." Gram and Swan look at each other before getting to work. Then, Regina approaches me. "Did you have something to do with this?" she asks quietly so no one would hear her.

"Now why would you ever think that?" I say in a playful tone. Regina doesn't leave my gaze. "No, this wasn't me," I explain, "And I think you know exactly what it was." She gives me another angry look before walking away. I smile happily, then walk back to my car. I arrive just in time to see Henry trying to sneak out of my car. I stop him before he can go anywhere. "And where do you think you're going, lad?" I ask.

"Nowhere." Henry states immediately. I smile at him and he cracks a half smile.

"Not without an adult your not," I exclaim. He smiles brightly. We look around, making sure no one can see us.

"Hey, Archie," Henry says in a low voice, "over here." I give Henry a death stare. "You said we needed an adult."

"I meant me."
"Ha, that's a funny joke."

Archie, as well as Emma, approach where we are hiding behind my car. "This requires all of Operation Cobra - all of you," Henry explains.

"I didn't realize I was in Operation Cobra," Archie states.

"Of course you are," Henry says with hope in his eyes. "You know everything." Henry looks to Emma, then to Archie, then to me. "We can't let her do this. What if there's something down there?"

Emma replies bluntly, "They're just some old tunnels."

"That just happen to collapse right after you got here?" Henry refutes. Archie and Emma share a look before Henry continues. "You're changing things. You're weakening the curse."

Emma comes back to refuse him. "That's not what's happening."

"Yes, it is. How do you think Raven can hear mine tunnels collapsing from her house?" Henry says. I give him the look of 'shut up now, mate'. Henry sighs, "Did you do anything different today? 'Cause something made this happen." Emma grabs her badge on her belt.

Regina quickly intercepts the conversation. "Henry," she says, "I told you to wait in the car." She motions him in the other direction. "Miss Gold, take my son home." I roll my eyes and walk away.


I couldn't sleep again. I couldn't stop thinking of him. 'Peter,' I think to myself. How sad he must feel? This is my twenty-eighth year being separated from him. He has to be going crazy. Felix must be running himself up the wall. I felt like crying, but no tears came out. My tears could not be shed anymore. I already did that in the first five years of our separation.

Before I could think anymore, I hear, "Raven, breakfast!" I sigh and flip over from my upside down hanging position. I walk downstairs to see my father preparing to depart from work. "How are you this morning, love?" Dad asks me.

"Same as I was yesterday," I reply, "I'm starving." Dad tosses me a blood bag from the fridge. "Something is changing, and it is making me hungry." Dad shakes his head. My phone rings before he can speak. I pick it up. It's the Mayor wanting to know if I can watch Henry. "Pick up Henry from therapy?" I restate her sentence. "Sure, what else have I got to do today?" I grab my keys from the counter. "See ya when I get home, Dad," I yell.

"Don't eat anyone!"
"I make no promises!"
"I'll be at the shop if you need me." 

"Alright!" I shout from the front door. I leave our large house and down to my car. I put the keys in the ignition; the car starts up. The noise was so intense I hold my ears. 'Something is breaking the curse,' I think, 'My powers are returning slowly. For better, or for worse.'

(A/N: This was a long episode, so I split it up into two parts. Hope you all are enjoying the story.)

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