Chapter 27: Another Life

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Third Person POV: The Town Line

Mr. Gold crouches over Belle as she frantically pushes him. She has just crossed the town line and forgot everything. Killian Jones lays feet away, bleeding. He begins to heal, due to the vampire blood running through his veins. When Emma approaches him, he says, "Hey beautiful. Here, I didn't think you'd notice." Emma pokes his chest and pain spirals through his body. He lets out a wail as the pain disappears.

"I think your ribs are broken," she says without a hint of empathy.

He sighs, "That must be why it hurts when I laugh." The Captain gets serious. "Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant!" He leans up, seeing Gold walk over in his direction. He stops himself from bearing his fangs at the Dark One.

Gold swings his cane up and hits Killian with his cane. He kneels down and starts choking the pirate. They are able to take him off, with a little convincing. 

"Gold! Are you insane?" Emma shouts. She and her father begin to try to pull the Dark One off the pirate. 

The ambulance soon arrives. Emma tells the medic to take care of the man in the car before Hook. After taking care of the man in the car, the ambulance picks up Killian. It drives to the hospital.

Once arriving, Killian is taken to the hospital room. The doctors stroll in along side him on the stretcher. Quickly, he grabs one doctor by the shirt. "Bring me blood," Killian compels, "Now." The doctor nods and leaves the room. The vampire sighs, staying still so his body can heal.

"A smart decision on your part, Your Majesty," a voice says. Killian turns to his left. A tall man wearing a black suit stood at attention. His hair is fixed nicely and glasses highlight his eyes. "However, Ms Swan will find it strange when your injuries heal faster than normal."

"Don't remind me, Jerrard," Killian tells him. "We have bigger fish to fry now." Before he could say another word, Killian hears Emma walk towards his room. He looks at Jerrard, who nods. Jerrard's skin glows brightly. Then, he turns into the ring on the Captain's index finger. Hook pretends to be asleep as Swan walks in. She sits on the edge of his bed. 

Killian grunts as he "awakens" to Emma in his room. "Where's Kora?" she asks. He asks her what she's talking about. 

He tries to move his hand, but is handcuffed to the bed. Killian laughs, but secretly takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "Again?" he says, "You're really into this, aren't you?" He moves again, then fakes the pain. "That hurts."

"Told you," Emma explains standing, "You cracked a few ribs." She walks over to where she's standing over him. "Where's Kora?"

"You look good, I must say," Killian retorts. "All "Where's Kora?" in a commanding voice. Chills."

"You have all sorts of sore places. I can make you hurt," she exclaims.

He laughs at her. Then, Emma hits him in the ribs. Killian winces - for real this time - looking up at Emma after the pain leaves. "I have no idea where Kora is. She has her own agenda," Killian tells her. "Let's talk about something I am interested in - my hook. May I have it back?" He stares at her. "Or is there another attachment you'd prefer?" Killian stares at the vain on her neck. 'Control yourself, my king,' Jerrard comments. 

Emma rebuts, "You're awfully chipper for a guy who just failed to kill his enemy, then got hit by a car."

Killian is now fully healed. He takes a nice relief breath, saying, "Well, my ribs may be broken, but everything else is still intact. Which is more than can be said for other bad days I've had. Plus I did some quality damage to my foe."

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