Chapter 8: Strength of Love

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Season 1: Episode 8

Third Person POV: Granny's

David leaves Granny's after having a conversation with Mary Margaret. Raven watches from the counter. Once he's gone, she sits down in front of Mary Margaret. "Okay, you are desperate and in no way smooth," Raven exclaims, "You are definitely in love."

"What?" Mary Margaret replies awkwardly. "No I am not and besides, he's married." She sets down her book and looks at the clock. "I have to get to school. I'll see you later." Raven waves goodbye, remembering what it was like with her husband.

Raven's POV: In Rumpelstiltskin's Castle

Peter woke up next to me. "Good morning," he said still half asleep. I leaned down and kissed him. His blonde hair was crazy with bedhead. He sat up, looking at me as I put on my usual black leather vest and combat boots. "Have a job today?" he asked.

"No," I said as I pick up my necklace. I put it on and turned around. "Just going to enjoy the morning, maybe check on Snow, intimidate my mother..."

When I turned around, Peter was right there. I looked up into his eyes - he was just slightly taller than me. "Raven," he said, "you can't keep avoiding this. We have to ask."

"Technically, we don't have to," I explained as I start to make the bed, "He's not even my real father - Daniel Arius has sadly passed away. You don't really need to ask for his..."

"Rae," Peter said. I stopped mid-pillow fluffing. Peter walked up behind me, placing his hands on my hips. "I want to do this right," he explained, "He's your guardian. The deal with your mother was he is in charge of you until you're eighteen."

I turned around, wrapping my arms around his torso. "He's not going to say yes," I told him. "When you ask for my hand, he will say no."

"I know he's still mad at me," Peter exclaimed as we separated. He brushed my black hair from my face. "But he has to realize that his little girl is not really his little girl. Yes, he's raised you as his own, but he's not your father." Peter kissed me on the forehead. "You will be my wife whether he likes it or not. My boy is just going to have to grow up." He laughed, "One of us has to."

Third Person POV: At Mary Margaret's House

"Hey," Raven says snapping her fingers. Mary Margaret snaps out of her trance. Raven exclaims, "Where are you right now?" She shakes her head. "It's David, isn't it?" Raven asks.

"Kathryn bought a pregnancy test at the super market," Mary Margaret tells her. She explains to Raven how she ran into her at the super market. All of their groceries got mixed up and when she was helping sort them, Mary Margaret saw the pregnancy test. "I know I shouldn't be upset because their married and these things happen," Mary Margaret explains, "but I can't help feeling sad about all of this."

Raven lets out a sigh. "I've only seen this once before," she explains to her friend. "It's true love, Mary Margaret." Mary Margaret looks at her confused. Raven exclaims, "If you love him, and you are sure that he loves you, both of you will do anything to be together. That's what true love is."

"It sounds like you've experienced this yourself," Snow says. Raven nods as both of them smile.

Raven's POV: In Rumpelstiltskin's Castle

"Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin," I said as I held Peter's hand. "Rumple..."

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