Chapter 28: Second Chances

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Third Person POV: The Docks

Killian fake limps out to where his ship is, invisible and all. David, Leroy, and Snow follow behind. "You didn't even ask me about my recovery," Killian says trying to make small talk. Snow asks sarcastically how he's feeling. "Come closer and you'll find out," Killian chuckles. 

David punches him and he fake winces. "You wanna lose the other hand?" David asks angrily, "Where's the ship?" Jerrard comments, 'Not very smooth, my King.' David exclaims, "Come on, Archie told me. It's shielded somehow. Isn't it...mate?"

"Aye, that it is," Killian tells them. He turns around. "Follow me." He continues to fake his limp. "I don't know what you'll expect to find. Kora won't be there."

"Well, maybe she left something behind that will tell us where she went so lets go," David explains while shoving the pirate forward. 

Leroy chimes in, "No funny business, I'm watching you pirate."

"Yes, dwarf," Killian says, "That should deter me from any malfeasance." 

Snow reassures, "Don't worry, Leroy. He'll help us." Killian asks how she's so sure about him complying. "Because you're a pirate," she explains, "You know which way the wind blows, and right now it is gusting towards us."

Killian sighs, "I see where your daughter got her gumption." He lets the wind flow through his fingers. He turns around, telling the group, "Follow me." He 'hobbles' through the incantation onto his ship.

The group gawks at the Jolly Roger. Leroy asks if they can sail the ship back to the Enchanted Forest, just as they did from it. "My ship, she's a marvel," Killian explains, "Made from enchanted wood. We weathered many a storm together, seen many strange, glittering shores." Killian walks up to the back of the ship. "But to travel between lands, she must go through a portal."

"Yeah, what do you know about Kora's plans?" David asks.

Killian tells him, "Kora's not the most communicative of lasses, especially not with me - but I will tell you this. Whatever malice she has in mind, her weapon of choice is in here." He pats the box covered with a tan sheet. 

David and Leroy pull off the sheet, revealing the giant. Captain Hook explains to them who he is. "So Kora used magic to make him travel-sized?" Leroy asks.

"Whatever she intends to do with him, it's important," Killian answers.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what she intends," David replies angrily, "You're holding out."

The pirate stares at him angrily. "Well, either have your lovely wife torture it out of me, which I promise will be fun for both-"

David pins Killian against the other boxes on his ship. His hand wraps around the pirate's throat, which wasn't really effective because Killian didn't exactly have to breath to live. "Why don't you and I have some fun?" Charming asks furiously.

"I don't know what she's planning," Killian tells him. "Why don't you wake the bloody giant and ask him yourself?" Killian takes out the key to the cage. 

Snow walks over and takes it. She unlocks the giant lock on the cage. The giant awakens, outraged at Kora. He sees David and begins fighting him. While they fight, Killian goes bellow deck. He reaches his office, where he places his hands on the desk. He breathes in heavily, finally relaxing.

Jerrard glows on his finger. He turns into his human form. "My king," he says as he approaches Killian, "We need to get you some food."

"No," Killian gasps through deep breaths. "I'm fine."

Jerrard stands up straight. "Your Majesty, I cannot watch you do this to yourself. If you cannot even look at a human without wanting to rip their neck a good one -  you need blood, my lord," Jerrard explains. Killian looks up at him, knowing he is right, but rejecting it anyway.

Killian walks to the meeting place after taking a quick bite from a rat on the ground. Jerrard calls it very unkingly, but Killian didn't care. When he turns the corner, he spots Regina.

Killian's POV

There she is. She looks exactly the same from when I last saw her. The black hair she gave me rests in its usual fashion right above her. She wore some kind of jacket from this world. She looks like a queen even in this world. I hate it. 

I use my powers to walk up behind her without a sound. There is so much I want to say, but I just decide to go with this. "Mother."

Regina turns around immediately, spotting me. "K...Killian." She does not know what to do.

"Nothing to say," I say angrily. "Well, you can tell Grandma that they found the ship, because I'm guessing that's all you came here for." I turn around to go back to my ship.

"I'm sorry, Ian." Regina makes me stop in my tracks. "I know you deserve more than that, but I've been trying to make amends for what I did. I've started with Henry, I'm still trying with your sister. But here I am, with you."

Every ounce of blood in my body tells me to forgive her. "That's not enough, yet, Mother dear," I tell her. "And who's Henry?"

"Who he is is not as important right now," Regina explains as she walks towards me. She puts her hands on my face. I find comfort with my mother cupping my face as if I were a child. I refuse to look at her. "I did what I believed to be your best chance."

I finally look up at her. "If you know what that woman did to me, you'd know I need more than just a sorry." After I finish my sentence, my hunger comes back. I flinch and walk backwards. 

"Killian," Regina asks, "What's wrong?"

"Stay away from me!" I shout. I create a wall of fire, making my iris' turn red. It stands between us. It comes down with the next wave of pain. She approaches me cautiously. "I'll get blood as soon as I can," I tell her. "But I think it's best for you and I if we don't speak of our knowledge of each other." 

Regina nods in agreement. "I won't tell anyone about you being a vampire or your relation to me, Kora, or Raven." She makes me look at her. "As long as you give me a chance to be your mother again."

I think for a moment. 'It would be best for you to say yes, my king,' Jerrard tells me. 'You need your mother.' After listening to his advice, I nod. Without another thought, I walk away. 

Raven's POV: Neverland

It did not even take a second before Peter and I are embracing. I squeal with joy as he kisses me repeatedly. I kiss him back just as passionately. Tears fall from my eyes. Peter picks me up and twirls me around. I cry from pure happiness. "I never thought I'd ever see you again," he cries. 

I kiss him passionately. "I told you I'd come back," I say, "I can't live without you."

He sets me down. He holds me into his body. "Well, now your home," Peter exclaims, "Felix and the Lost Boys have missed their queen. However..." He picks me up bridle style. "They are going to have to wait for a little while." I wrap my arms around his neck. I stare into his forest green eyes as he looks at my sea blue ones. Peter tells me, "Your my wife, always and forever."

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