Chapter 15: The One's Who Remember

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Raven's POV: On the way to the Mayor's House

I am driving my truck to arrest Regina. Suddenly, I get a call on my phone. Emma says that Mary Margaret escaped her cell. I groan and turn my truck around. I begin to head to the woods. 'Why the woods of all places?' Riker asks me. "If there is one place she will feel safe," I explain, "It's the woods. She might be a princess, but Snow always felt safer in the woods." I look to the trees in the distance. "And thanks to dear old Dad, so do I."

In the Enchanted Forest

I was hidden on a tree. As a sixteen year old half-vampire, I was underestimated. That's what was happening now. I heard two vampires harassing a young girl. 'Riker,' I thought. My necklace glowed and turned into a sword. I jumped from the tree I was standing on to another. I spotted them. I jumped down, turning into bats before I hit the ground. I stunned them, turning back into a human. I rose up my sword and sliced off one's head - turning him into dust. The other looked at me. "Arius..." he said. He flashed his fangs at me. He rose up his hand, which set on fire. I backed away in front of the girl. Bringing Riker close to the ground, I sliced upward. This caused the tree behind me to shoot up one of its roots. It stabbed the vampire in the heart, turning him into a pile of ash. 

I took a deep breath and turned around. I offered my hand to the girl. Surprisingly, she took it without a second change. "Sorry if I scared you," I exclaimed, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you," she said. Her voice was kind. Her black hair was hidden behind a cloak of white. She looked up at me. 

"Wait," I said, "Snow?"

At the Sheriff's Department

Before I head to the woods, I decide to stop at the sheriff's station. I walk in, spotting Henry sitting on the couch. "Hey, lad," I say. Henry walks up and hugs me. I look up, spotting Gold. "Hey, laddie," I exclaim, "I'm going to take you home. Let's go."

"Raven," Gold says before I leave. 

I stop before exiting the office. "What part of I'm not talking to you do you not understand?" I ask angrily.

"Well, if you must know," Gold explains. "I made a little deal with the sheriff and the price is us having a conversation. So if you want me to represent Ms. Blanchard and have her charges lifted, you'll have a chat with me."

I grunt; Henry looks up at me. "Lad, go to my truck." I hand him the keys. "Wait for me in there, this should only take a second." Henry walks out of the room and I'm left with my step-son in the office.

In the Enchanted Forest

I embraced Snow, careful not to injure her with my unnatural strength. "What in Vladimir's name are you doing out in the middle of the woods?" I asked.

"What am I doing here?" Snow repeated my question. "Where on earth have you been? No one in the castle seemed to remember you or your brother ever lived there. I was thinking maybe you never existed."

I shrugged, "Probably the Dark One's work. He took me in after my mother put me into his custody. My brother lives with our aunt in the vampire castle. He has to learn how to be the next ruler. All I have to do is defend myself until I feel like it is a good time to unite everybody."

Snow laughed, "Well, at least you have a home."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. I sat down on a root of a tree.

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