Chapter 9: Protecting What's Your's

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Season 1: Episode 11

"Henry?" shouts Regina as she approaches the broken castle on the beach. Henry and Emma are there to check if the Storybook was alright. He re-hides the book in the dirt. "I've been looking for you everywhere," says Regina, "You know you have a session with Archie this morning." She looks up at Emma. "I should have known he was with you." Regina points to the car and tells Henry to get there immediately. Almost immediately after he leaves, Regina and Emma start to argue on motherly issues. "You're the sheriff now," explains Regina. "It's time to be responsible."

Once the Mills leave, Emma heads to Granny's. When she gets there, Granny's has been evacuated. The windows are shattered in the front. Raven, Ruby, and Granny are standing off to the side. "I'll pay for repairs, Granny," Raven exclaims, "I'll get someone to fix it right away. I'll get my father to lower your rent."

"Sweet-pea, I'm not worried about the shop right now," Granny says, "I'm worried if you are okay or not." Raven stares at her hands. Granny grabs them and squeezes. "You can control it."

"It's never been this bad. Something is happening, and it's causing my powers to grow," Raven explains. She looks down, then up at Ruby and Granny. "I don't know what to do. I've always been in control, and now..."

Emma walks up to the group. "Is everything alright here?" Emma asks. She looks up at the building. "Wow, what happened?"

Raven looks down; Ruby puts her arms around her friend. "We don't know, sheriff," she answers.

"Does this have something to do with this mysterious illness Raven has that no one will tell me about?" Emma asks. Before she gets an answer, the mayor's car pulls up. The mayor gets out to look at the damage. Regina looks at Miss Gold, who was still shaken. 

"What happened?" she asks. She turns to Raven. "Miss Gold, are you alright?" Raven shakes her head. "Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

"No!" Raven shouts. She composes herself. "Not the hospital." Then, Raven spots Henry sneak out of his mother's car. "I'll... think of something, but for right now keep Henry away from me." Regina looks up at Raven sadly. Raven says, "It's for his own protection." 

As Henry walks in Raven's direction, Ruby turns her around and walks in the other direction. Henry speeds up to meet her. Regina stops him in his arms. "Raven, wait!" Henry yells. Raven does not turn around. He looks up at Regina. "What did you do?"

"Henry, Miss Gold is sick," Regina explains, "She needs to rest. She's going home. Her symptoms got intense when the windows shattered."

"No! That's not what happened," Henry yells. "You did this. If you would have never promised her to Gold, this wouldn't have happened. Her powers wouldn't be sealed away. She would have full control if it weren't for you!" Henry runs towards Dr. Hopper's office in anguish. 

Regina watches as he goes. "Aren't you going to stop him?" Emma asks. Regina does not answer her. Emma then exclaims, "So everyone in this town has told me of this illness Raven has, but have yet to tell me what it is." 

"I will explain if we can head back to my office," Regina says. 

At the Mayor's Office

"Doctor Wale describes the illness being close to what is called Porphyria," Regina explains, "Also known as the Vampire's Disease." Regina takes a drink of her tea, then sets down the cup. "However, Raven has never reacted in such ways in the sun. Sometimes she has spouts of dizziness, stomach pain, sore throat..."

"That explains why Henry thinks she's a vampire," Emma says, "But Doctor Wale told me she can't eat normal food. How is that possible?"

Regina folds her hands and crosses her legs. "That is where we are beat. We have no idea what this illness is or what causes it. All we know is that Mr. Gold will do whatever it takes to keep his daughter healthy. Even if that means only seeing the best doctor when all she does is sneeze."

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