Chapter 23: Twin Connections

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Season 2: Episode 5 (I skipped an episode)

Third Person POV: The Enchanted Forest

Emma, Aurora, Mulan, and Snow are walking through the forest back to camp. They had recently discovered Cora was indeed still evil and trying to get back to Regina. Aurora says, "I don't know if I can do this. I'm not a very good liar."

"Oh," Snow reassures, "It's not really a lie, Aurora. Lancelot did die an honorable death and Kora did escape - all true - just leave the particulars to us. There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic amongst your people."

Aurora is about to rebut, but Mulan holds up her hand. "Wait!" she says. She looks up at the guard tower. "The tower, we always have sentries guarding the entrance," she explains cautiously. Mulan pulls out her sword. "Stay close." The group continues cautiously through camp.

They approach the square. Bodies litter the field, along with broken buildings and scorched structures. Mulan rants about how they were seemingly protected, but the ogres still found them. "Ogres didn't do this," Snow explains, "Kora did, their hearts - They were ripped out. This was her magic, twisted and evil. We have to stop her."

"Too late," Mulan states. "She killed them. She killed them all."

"No," Snow replies, "We have to stop her before she hurts anyone else." 

Aurora looks down at one of the bodies, noticing the neck. There are two dark red holes directly in one of the veins. "Wait!" she shouts. "Look!" Mulan goes over to the princess. She sees the body Aurora is pointing at. 

"This man was attacked, not by Kora, but a vampire," Mulan exclaims. Snow and Emma look at the man. His heart was not ripped out like the rest of them, but his blood is drained dry.

"A vampire?" Emma says, "There are vampires here?" She looks at her mother. "I doubt any of them are as reasonable as Raven."

Suddenly, they hear movement and pleas for help. "There!" Aurora points. "There's a man. He's alive."

"Please, don't hurt me!" he states as the group pulls him from the rubble. His skin is dusted with dirt, but he's seemingly unharmed. 

"You're safe now," Snow reassures him, "We won't hurt you." He thanks them repeatedly.

Raven's POV: In Storybrooke - the Stables

I watch as David and Henry leave the truck. I stand outside the stable gate, listening to the horses argue about who would be Henry's steed. I laugh, listening to an argument that I started. I hear David say, "Think about how happy Emma and Mary Margaret will be when they come home to find you've become a proper knight." I smile at Henry as he approaches the horses.

"Is this one mine?" he asks as he walks to the grey horse in the second stall. 

"No, lad," I say. I whistle for the horse in the first stall. A white horse with a brown patch over his eye comes to the gate. "This one's yours."

David explains the essentials of riding and the routine Henry must follow every day before he can actually ride the horse. "So," Henry says when David walks away. "Anything you want to tell me?" 

I laugh as I brush the horse's main. "He's excited to ride, Henry," I explain to him. I look around at my surroundings. "I haven't been in a stable since..." My voice trails off.

"Your dad?" Henry asks. I nod, look down, and smile at him. I mess up his hair playfully.

Third Person POV: The Enchanted Forest

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