Chapter 7: Desperate Souls

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Season 1: Episode 8

Montpelier's POV: The Castle of the Vampires (Enchanted Forest)

"I'm back!"  Uruguay said as he entered the castle living room. I was laying down on the couch daydreaming, desperately trying to avoid my father's lessons. Because I'm going to be king one day, I have to study for everything, and it's getting to be a headache. 

"How's the war going?" I asked my brother. I stared at the ceiling with my eyes closed, listening to the animals outside. As vampires, we all specialize in different elements of the world. The most common one's are pyromancy - control of fire, watermancy - control of water, airmancy - control of air, and theurgy - control of the earth. However, my brother and I have unique specializations. I can talk to animals. Uruguay can control storms, also known as divinry.

Uruguay shrugged, "Same as always, I win for the vampires and the werewolves lose." He sat down next to his brother. "Now we are so close to winning. And I am one step closer to getting revenge for Mother."

I turned to my brother. He's been bent on trying to take revenge for our mother's death. The King of the Werewolves, King Lucian II, killed her right in front of us when we were young. Father has never been the same.

Uruguay changed the subject. "How are your studies going?" he asked. I groan and sit up. "Trying to avoid the old man again so you don't have to learn useless information?" I nodded and laughed. My brother did the same. 

Suddenly, the door to the living room opened. Our father, King Vladimir, walked in.

"Ah, Uruguay," he said, "Welcome home

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"Ah, Uruguay," he said, "Welcome home."

"It's a little early for you to be up, Father," Uruguay replied, "It's not even four in the afternoon and your awake." Father chuckled as he walked into the room. Uruguay stood as Father approached him. Father embraced him and exclaimed, "Glad to see you have returned safely." They separated and Uruguay smiled, stepping back another step. "Montpelier, as the future king, I would like you to have a meeting with another king."

I stood, shocked. "Would you also be attending, Father?" I asked, "If this meeting has something to do with the Second Vampire and Lycans War, I would like you there with me."

Father laughed again, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, my son," he explained, "This is just some silly human war. The young King George of a kingdom to the north has asked to meet with a representative of the royal vampire family because they need assistance for the ogres war. You can do that, can't you?"

I looked to my brother for help, but all I got was a smirk. I turned back to my father. "I think I can, Father," I said. Father clapped his hands in excitement. I asked, "When and where is the meeting?"

"At George's Castle as soon as possible," Father answered. "You have to go alone, I'm afraid. Because Uruguay is a member of the royal family, he can't go. And I would think King George would feel more comfortable with one vampire at the meeting." I nodded, secretly afraid what was to come.

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