Chapter 20: Breaking the Curse

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(A/N: Last Episode of Season 1! Yay! I'm going to keep Season 2 in this book as well, then split to another during Season 3. Enjoy!)

Raven's POV: At the Hospital

We roll Henry on a stretcher to a hospital room. "Henry," Emma shouts, "Can you hear me? Come on, Henry!" Emma continues to freak out about what's happening to Henry. Even now, as we walk through the hospital, I can feel the curse slowly fading away. It's only a matter of time before Emma asks about what I am. I'm not afraid about that, I'm afraid for my great-grandson.

People try to pull me and Emma off of the stretcher. When they touch me, I flash my fangs and eyes and shout, "Don't touch me!" They fall backwards and leave the room. Wale and Emma argue about what caused this. After a while, I am sick of it. "Wale," I say grabbing his lab coat. I look him straight in the eye. I compel him, "It was the apple turnover that did this to him. You are going to believe that no matter how stupid it sounds." He nods slowly and I let go of his lab coat. Wale continues to work on Henry.

"What did you just do?" Emma asks concerned.

"Don't worry about it," I tell her, "Worry about your kid." 

Emma goes to Henry's bag while they are trying to figure out what happened to Henry. She unpacks it, spotting the storybook. She grabs it, then stops moving completely. "Emma," I say. She looks at me determined.

Suddenly, a voice enters the room. "Where's my son?" Regina asks. 

Emma grabs Regina by the arm, telling her she did this. I follow her as she shoves her into the closet. Emma grabs Regina and starts to brawl. I separate them. "Sorry, Emma," I say when I have them apart. I grab Regina's throat and shove her up the wall with my strength. "I called first dibs." I hiss at her. "That apple turnover you gave Emma - Henry ate it. Now I'm gonna eat you!" I bring her down and shove Regina up against the lockers. 

"What?" Regina yells, "It was meant for you!" She looks at Emma. Emma asks her if it is true. "What are you talking about?"

"It's true, isn't it?!" Emma screams. Emma lowers her voice. "All of it." Regina nods and tells her yes. "I was leaving town, why couldn't you just leave things alone?" 

"Because as long as you're alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina shouts. 

I growl, "So the kids you have mean nothing to you?" I shove one of my nails into her skin. She squeals. "He's not gonna be anyone's unless you fix this. Now wake him up!" I let go and walk backwards. 

"I can't!" Regina screams.

"Don't you have magic?" Emma asks scared. 

Regina shakes her head. "That was the last of it." She pauses and looks at Emma. "It was supposed to put you to sleep!" 

"What's it gonna do to him?" I ask. Regina doesn't say anything. I let my claws extend from my fingertips. Emma watches in fear. I lock my mom's neck against the lockers. "What's. It gonna. Do. To. Him?" I ask again slowly.

After a moment of silence, Regina answers, "I don't know. Magic here is unpredictable."

"So...So he could..." Emma stutters. Regina answers with a yes. Emma asks, "So what do we do?"

"We need help," I answer. Then, my hunger picks the exact worst time to kick in. I fall against the lockers.

"Raven!" Emma shouts as she helps me stand. After she steadies me, she turns to Regina. "What is happening to her?"

"If what I think is happening, you could go ballistic at any moment, Raven," Regina says. Emma looks at me concerned. "There's only one other person in this town who knows about this, knows about magic." 

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