Chapter 4 - Her Secret

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Season 1 - Episode 6

The Wrap-Up

Emma and Henry watch as the elevator falls. They smile, seeing Archie hanging on by his umbrella. The people at the top pull the group out. Everyone claps as friends are reunited. Regina hugs Henry and pulls him away from Emma. He could not speak for the rush in his mother's questions. "Wait!" Henry says, "Raven's still in there!" The cheering stops as everyone looks to one another. No one says anything. "She told me that she had to stay down there so she would not hurt anyone. She said to tell you and Mr. Gold that she needs Doctor Wale!" Henry shouts to Regina. Regina pulls Henry back. Gram grabs the phone and dials Gold. Then, they wait.

Raven's POV

I hold my stomach in pain. Ugh...why did Archie have to cut his head? This is making it worse. I look at the walls of the mine. It is becoming blurry. I breath in from the massive headache I'm getting. My vampric instincts are pushing their way into my brain. It's painful, but I'm trying to resist. Doctor Wale and Dad have to get here fast. I do not know how long I can hold on. My ears ring with thousands of heartbeats that are above me. Drool runs down the sides of my mouth. I got an idea. I extend my fangs, pull back my jacket sleeve and bite my wrist. I drink the blood coming from the wound. 

Almost as soon as I swallow, I vomit the blood I tried to drink. "Crap..." I grunt, "still poison." Pain spreads starting from my stomach. I hunch over and yell - the yell sounding more monstrous than ever. I push off the ground and vampire sprint into the wall across the tunnel. My head hits the wall hard. It does not stop the pain.

I hear the cable from the car begin coming back down. I breath in and close my eyes. I stop fighting and give in to my instincts.

Third Person POV

Mr. Gold and Doctor Wale show up about five minutes later. "Where is my daughter?" Gold shouts as he limps over to the mayor. Emma and Gram walk over to them.

"She's still down there," Regina explains, "She..." Regina stops and looks at the police who had walked over. "She... refused to come up until Henry was safe." She put emphasis on her final words. Gold recognizes this and nods. Doctor Wale nods as well. Regina turns to Gram and Emma. "Sheriff, Depute," Regina says, "can you give us a moment? Marco, Archie, can you take Henry for a moment?" All groups nod and walk away.

"Henry says that she refused to come back up. She said that she did not want to hurt anyone," Regina explains. "My thoughts are that Archie's head wound became a catalyst. Her instincts may have taken over."

"If she was able to keep from attacking the boy and the therapist, she's been able to fight," Mr. Gold exclaims.

"But a simple head wound should not have caused such a reaction from her," Wale recalls, "She's been able to control herself around simple injuries like that."

Gold shakes his head. "She's been getting quite an appetite lately. Something is changing, causing her..." He pauses and looks around. "...condition to be a little unpredictable."

"If she's given into her instincts, there's only a matter of time before she uses her specialization abilities to escape the mines," Wale explains. Then, he looks to the sheriff and depute. "I'll go down there."

"Are you sure?" Regina asks. Wale nods and walks back to the car. He pops the trunk, grabbing a case. Taking a plant and syringe, he walks over to the grate. People begin to strap him in. They lower him down to rescue the town owner's daughter.

Wale is stopped by where the mine elevator used to be. He unhooks himself, walking into the hallway. "Raven?" he says. He is answered by a deep growl. He looks deeper into the mines. A shadow approaches him from the darkness. Two red eyes look back at him. The being hisses at him. Light shines on their teeth, pointed like knives. "Raven, come on," Wale tells the shadow, "It's Wale, everything is gonna be okay." The being chuckles at him. 

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