Chapter 10: Heart in a Necklace

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Season 1: Episode 12

Third Person POV: On the Storybrooke Streets

Mr. French walks around the van after he loads roses. He walks to the passenger side of his van. He sees Mr. Gold and Raven standing there, along with a very tall man. "Well, this is just perfect," Gold says. Mr. French gives a pot of roses to a man to his right. "I've been looking for you, Mr. French," Gold exclaims. 

"I'll have your money next week," he replies. 

"Terms of the loan were fairly specific," Gold explains. French does not reply. "Take the van," Gold instructs the man behind his daughter. The man nods as he heads to the driver's side.

"Wait!" Mr. French yells. "No!" He can not stop the large man from getting into the van. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. The biggest day of..." The man starts the car. French says, "I've got a grand in roses in the back." The man starts to pull forward as Mr. French shouts stop. "Stop! You gotta let me sell 'em." 

Gold looks at his watch then says, "I'm going to let you two continue this conversation. Raven, come." He motions his daughter forward as the driver continues to try to move forward. 

"Oh," Mr. French shouts, "This is no way to do business, Gold." Mr. French continues to fight the van like a bull. He yells, "You are the lowest." The van continues forward. "People aren't going to put up with this." The van drives away.

"A little harsh, Dad," Raven says, "Couldn't you wait one more day?" The two walk towards the mayor.

"You will understand when you're older," Gold explains.

"I can't get older," Raven whispers. Gold chuckles as they meet Regina across the street.

"Mr. Gold," Regina says lowering her head. She turns to Raven. "Miss Gold." Raven puts up her hand. "That was quite a show back there," Regina exclaims turning back to the old man.

"Well," Gold explains, "Mr. French was just having a bad day. Happens to the best of us."

Regina changes the subject. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something. To the both of you actually." 

"Yeah, and the moment you have something I want to discuss," Gold says, "we'll have that little chat." 

"Dad," Raven says putting her head up. Her father turns to her. "We are going to do this, it will just take a second." Gold gives her a look. "What?" she asks. "I have all the time in the world. He smiles at her remark. 

"Is something eating you, dearie?" Gold asks the mayor. "Something you need to get out in the open?" He pauses, then continues. "Cause it's gonna have to wait. Raven and I are going to pick up her food supply for the month," he says in a low tone. Before Regina can say anything, Gold says, "Please." 

Gold starts to walk away. Raven does not follow. Gold turns to her and motions for her to follow. "Just give me a second," she says. "I'll meet you there." Gold nods, then walks a further distance. "So, is it about the new guy?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Regina asks.

"Your my mom," Raven whispers, "and I can smell your blood. Besides the rotten apple smell, I sense your uneasiness."

Regina rolls your eyes. "I don't know about him," Regina explains, "There's something about him." She shakes her head. "I want you to watch him. Don't let him do anything..."

"Stupid?" Raven says. She thinks about telling her about his heartbeat, but is reluctant to do so. All she does is nod, then walks away. 

Outside the Gold Household

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