Chapter 31: Second Star to the Right

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Killian's POV: Castle Vladimir (Age: 13)

This was my fifth year with my aunt. She has taught me everything there is to know about being a king. It's nice to finally be able to finally stop learning and have fun. Well, that's what I thought. Aunt Avalaia told me today I was going to learn how to hunt like a vampire. She's been trying to get me to do a lot of vampire things lately, and it scares me. I wanted to leave. Tonight, it was perfect to make my escape.

Third Person POV: The Tackle Shop

Killian waves his hook over his mother, who was bound to a table with rope. "Whatever their offering you, Ian," Regina says, "it's not worth it."

"Well, considering their offering to have me kill Rumpelstiltskin and get some much needed revenge on you, dear mother, I'd say it is," Killian explains.

Regina asks, "And you actually trust them?" At first, Killian does not reply. His mother scoffs, "You don't even know who you are working for."

"I can tell when people are lying," Hook replies, "I can smell it. And they never do." Hook watches as Greg pulls in a contraption meant to torture Regina. Killian walks out, leaving his mother behind.

Killian's POV: Outside Castle Vladimir

Aunt Ava and three of her vampire guards walked out into the throne room. "Killian," she said when she sees me. "You are going to learn how to properly feed today." I looked up at her eyes. All I saw was pure evil.

"But I don't want to hurt anyone," I replied softly. However, being vampires, they could all hear me. 

One answered, "Killing is apart of who you are." Another exclaimed, "You have to learn to kill if you want to be king." The other just looked at me like he might tear my head off.

Avalaia grabbed me by the hair. "I'm sick and tired of you disobeying me about being a vampire," she shouted, "It's who you are! Now do as I say or their will be consequences." She set me down with her eyes blazing crimson. She walked out the castle doors, with her guards following behind. The one who did not speak grabbed my arm and pulled me along. 

I needed to leave now. 

Raven's POV: Neverland

I wake up the next morning with two arms wrapped around my torso. I feel Pan's chest against my back. I sit quietly and listen to him breath. It is nice to just lay in my husband's arms. I turn to face him. I kiss him, then he kisses me back. His eyes flutter open. "Good morning, my love," he whispers.

"Hi," I say. I kiss him again. I stand and walk over to change clothes. I put on my green shirt and leather jacket. I pull on my jeans when I hear Pan vamp-speed up behind me. I turn around; he kisses the top of my head. 

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Peter quickly puts on his normal green shirt when the person walks in. I smile when I see Felix stand in the doorway. "How long were you going to be here without saying hello to your best friend?" he asks sarcastically.

I walk up to him and nudge him with my shoulder. I embrace him, saying, "I was going to see all of the Lost Boys today, but I guess your just a special case." Felix smiles, before leaving Pan and I alone again.

Then I remember Henry, who has the heart we need to save Neverland. "Baby," I say as I turn around. "We need to talk about the plan."

Killian's POV: The Enchanted Forest

We walked up to a small village. Their was a festival going on, so all the town was outside. The guards smiled as they were readying for the feast. All it took was my aunts word and their would be a slaughter. "Are you ready, Killian?" Avalaia asked. 

Before they could say anything, I used my pyromancer powers to create a wall of fire between me and the guards. This disorientated them, giving me a chance to escape. I ran towards the peaks of King Leopold's castle. I had to reach my mom. 

I vamp-sped up to the gates. The guards saw this and instantly pull their spears up. "Please," I begged, "I have to see the queen." They wouldn't let up. "Mom!" I screamed as I tried to get in. It was no use; I could hear the guards coming up behind me. I turned around quickly and ran towards the forest.

I ran for a few minutes, then stopped and hid behind a tree. I heard the guards speed in the opposite direction. I let out a sigh of relief. Now all I had to do was find where the Dark One's castle was.

"You didn't think you could just run off without me finding you?"

Raven's POV: Neverland

I explained everything to Peter. He wrapped his hands in mine. "We need the heart, love," he tells me, "which means he has to die."

"Not necessarily," I say. Pan looks at me confused. "If we give him some of your blood, he'd come back."

Peter brushes my black hair out of my face. "You understand what that would mean for him. He'd forget everything about his old life if he's under thirteen years old," Pan exclaims. 

I smile and reply, "Peter, we could have him back." Peter's eyes lit up.

Killian's POV: The Enchanted Forest

I used my powers to create a wall of fire between me and my aunt. She laughed, "Pathetic. I thought you knew how to make a real fire." 

Avalaia used her own powers to put out the flames. She walked towards me. I started to back away. My back hit the tree behind me. "Your mother put you in my custody until you turn eighteen," she explained, "which means you will do what I say when I say it."

I was scared, so scared I blacked out. Before I did, though, all I could see was blue.

Third Person POV: Enchanted Forest

Avalaia stared at the blue fire her nephew just created. "So, it is true," she said. "Old Man, your sick." Carefully to avoid the flames, Avalaia picked up her nephew. She walked him back to the castle.

When she entered the castle, she walked up to the highest tower. The guards followed her, bringing the strongest chains in the vampire castle. They put them on the boy's wrists. Once they did, they walked away except for one. "What are you going to do, my queen?" he asked.

"Until he accepts what he is, he's going to be in a time out," Avalaia replied, "Except now he'll always listen to me. Even so, children must be punished for their actions."

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