Chapter 24: Getting Revenge

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Season 2: Episode 8

Third Person POV: At the Beanstalk

Captain Hook hit the ground after climbing down the beanstalk. Emma had left him there to die, so he escaped himself. Once he touched down, a voice came into the clearing. "My dear Captain, it seems you've been on quite an adventure," Kora exclaims. She holds out her hand. "The compass, please." 

"Yes, well... matters grew complicated," Hook explains as he turns around. "It's eluded me for the moment. The details of the affair are a bit of a bore."

"Really? Stealing my protection spell and climbing the beanstalk without me might seem like a bore to you, but to me, it's a betrayal," Kora tells him. 

Killian says, "I was going to bring it to you. Our agreement remains. We are going to Storybrooke together. I'll get it back."

"I don't have time for your games," Kora replies, "I've crossed through too many worlds to be brought short at the brink of success. Especially by you." Kora composes herself. "Who was the one who bested you?"

Killian takes a moment before answering, "The Swan girl, Emma." He cocks his head to the side. "Rest assured, it won't happen again."

Kora laughs, "No it won't. You chose her and the consequences of that decision."

"Oh, are you going to kill me now?" Killian asks. "Go ahead, try; we both know you can't." 

"So brave. No I'm not going to kill you. I have something far more satisfying in mind," Kora tells him. "I'm going to leave you here with your thirst for revenge unquenched, while I continue our little journey without you."

Killian starts to play his cards carefully. "There's no need to be rash. Let's discuss this." He draws closer to Kora. "I can do this. I can get it back. You need me."

Kora laughs again, "No, I don't. You've had your chance. Now it's my turn to do things the right way." Killian tries to rush Kora, but she disappears in a cloud of purple smoke.

Two Days Later...

"Come on, Sweetheart. Wake up. Wake up!" Killian says to Sleeping Beauty. When she is somewhat conscious, he tells her, "On your feet. Hurry." He pulls Aurora to her feet.

Aurora begins to panic. "No. No," she shouts. Her chains clang against the ground. She asks frightened, "Are you gonna kill me?"

"If I were here to kill you, waking you first would not have been the best course of action," Hook replies. He unlocks the chain around Aurora's wrist with one swing of his hook.

"Ah!" she yells when she sees the spark. "So what? Did Kora send you?" she asks nervously.

"Kora has no idea I'm here," the captain answers her. Aurora tells him she doesn't understand. "I know you're kind of sleepy but isn't it obvious? I'm setting you free."

Aurora exclaims, "What is this, some sort of pirate's ruse?"

"Kora has denied me passage to Storybrooke, my vengeance, and the chance to reunite with someone close to me," Killian explains. "Now I'm going to deny her her wishes, starting with the compass. In pirate terms, you might say I'm firing a shot across my enemy's bow."

"You risk you're life coming in here all so you could thwart Kora?" Aurora reiterates. 

Killian answers, "I don't like being double crossed." He steps to the side. "Now go." Before she leaves the cell, Killian grabs her hand. "Give Emma a message. Tell her that the deal still stands. If she provides me passage back to her realm, I swear, I will help her find that dust that opens the portal." Aurora asks if he really was going to do as he says. "It hurts Kora and helps me," he explains, "Of course I do. Now go."

Later that Day...

Kora walks into the cell, noticing immediately of Aurora's absence. "Looking for someone?" Killian asks. 

Kora spins around, looking at the Captain. "Oh, don't tell me you were dumb enough to let her go."

"She was never going to give you what you wanted anyway," the captain says with a smile.

"So you freed her?" Kora exclaims, "and stuck around for the petty satisfaction of seeing me suffer."

"Oh, watching you suffer was a tempting motivation, but it wasn't that," Killian explains. 

"Well, then you must have a death wish," Kora rebuts. She uses her magic to push the pirate against the wall. The wall stones wrap around his appendages. She takes Killian's hook. With the point, she moves the jacket edge to reveal where his heart is. "If I could kill you, I would," she whispers. 

"You should try thanking me," Killian says. Kora asks why she should. "Because I've brought you a gift," he explains using his head to motion to the bag. "It's in the satchel."

Kora gazes down at the captain's bag. "What is it?" she asks.

Killian smiles again. "Customarily, surprise is part of the fun of gift-giving. Open it."

Kora rips off his satchel. She opens the bag. After she has a look, she asks, "Is that..."

"Indeed," Killian answers, "And with it you will get everything you want."

Kora takes the heart, speaking into it for Aurora. With it, she explains to Emma that she should have trusted the Captain. Aurora/Kora tells Swan that the captain may care for her.

Killian scoffs, "Nice touch, that."

Kora brings the heart down to her side. "But you know she won't trust you," she exclaims.

Killian shrugs, "Ah, she doesn't have to. All I need is for her to believe that I was genuine in letting the girl go, which I wager she does now." He takes a deep breath in. "You're welcome."

"Impressive, you took a heart," Kora says. "You are starting to remind me of her."

Killian looks down, trying to ignore her. "Now you have a princess," he says. 

Kora smiles, "Indeed I do."

Killian then asks, "Now can we get on with the business of going to Storybrooke, together?"

"Why not?" she asks, "I hate to travel alone. All we need is the compass."

Killian turns while saying, "Which soon will be delivered."

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