Chapter 29: Broken Promises

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Third Person POV: Storybrooke Library

Kora, Regina, and Killian search the Storybrooke library of book 915.63, which was written on a note in Belle's purse. Killian, annoyed with his current conundrum, asks, "Shouldn't we be pillaging his shop or ransacking his home?"

Regina replies, "That would be the obvious choice, yes..." She walks over to another book shelf. "...but Gold wouldn't risk crossing the town line and losing his memory without entrusting the dagger's location to someone."

"My sister is out of the question for she's nowhere to be found," the pirate answers, "Belle."

"My guess is she hit it in one of her beloved books," Regina suggests. Kora tells Regina she's impressed. "Thank you, Mother."

"I'll be impressed when I'm holding the dagger in my hand," Hook interrupts the happy moment between his mother and grandmother.

Regina spots an empty place in the books where the one they need should be. "No," she says, "It should be here."

Killian again interrupts, "Well, it's not, is it? May we go now?"

"Hold on," Kora exclaims. She pulls out a folded up piece of paper where the book should be. She unfolds it, asking, "What's this?"

Killian walks over to examine the paper. "Ah, yes - crude," he explains, "To the untrained eye, a child's scribbles, but to a pirate... it's a map." He takes the map in his good hand. "Gold may not have hidden the dagger here, but I believe he's left us the next best thing." He walks over to the table and sets it down. "It's location." His grandmother asks him if he can read it. "Well, lucky for you, I'm quite adept at finding buried treasure." Killian scribbles on the map, marking a location. "I give you the location of the dagger," he says pointing to the spot he'd marked.

"Well done, Hook," Kora exclaims, "Truly fine work fit for a king." Killian groans in response, not wanting to be reminded of his destiny. "We'll take it from here," she says grabbing the map.

"No," he shouts, "You promised me!" Regina slowly follows her mother while continuing to watch her son. "Mother, you promised me! Don't break another promise to me!"

Kora thrusts her hand forward, throwing her grandson against the wall of books. "The Kris Dagger's much too powerful to be wasted on you," Kora exclaims, "Especially since you reject who you are." She stares at her knocked out grandchild before turning around.

Once Killian wakes, he rushes to the Sheriff's office. He sneaks up behind David, who had just arrived, and knocks him out. "Apologies mate, but I think you have something of mine," he says as he takes the sheriff's keys. He unlocks the bottom drawer of Emma's desk. He takes out his hook, takes off the fake hand, then reattaches his hook. 

He looks down at the unconscious David. The vampire king takes advantage of his situation. He takes one of David's hands, pokes a finger with his hook, then drinks from the small hole. After drinking about a pint, Killian leaves the station.

Killian uses his ship to sail to Boston. Using his powers of storm, he sails faster than the winds can take a normal ship. Hook stands at the wheel, with Jerrard watching behind him. His eyes fill with lightning as the wind pulls them into the harbor. Once they've arrived, Killian takes Jerrard (who is now a ring) and the dreamshade to Baelfire's apartment. He smells Emma and the Dark One inside.

Killian pulls the door open. He throws Emma against the wall. He pins the Dark One against the gate. He thrusts his hook into Rumpelstiltskin's chest. Mr. Gold gasps one the dreamshade enters his bloodstream. 

Killian smiles, fangs extended, eyes red. "Ticktock," he whispers. He retracts his hook, showing him the blood. "Times up, crocodile." His features return to normal. "You took Raven and Meliah - my sister, my happiness, and for that, I now take your life."

Emma slams a stool against the pirate's back. It knocks him out onto the floor. Baelfire comes running down the stairs, seeing his father injured on the floor. "What is going on here?" he asks. He kneels down and checks Rumpelstiltskin.

"One of your dad's enemies found us," Emma replies looking at the pirate.

Baelfire whispers, "Hook."

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