Chapter 6: One Slip

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Season 1: Episode 7

Third Person POV: Leaving Granny's

Gram and Emma leave Granny's in a hurry. They are fighting about the night before. "If you don't care, then why are you so upset?" Gram asks angrily.

"I'm not upset!" Emma retorts. 

Gram protests, "If that were true, you would be at the bar with me having a drink and not running away." He runs up in front of Emma. 

"It's none of my business, really," Emma says as a dog begins barking in the distance.

"Can we please talk about this?" Gram asks, "I need you to understand." He grabs Emma's arm when she tries to walk away. 


"I don't know. Maybe so I can understand."

"If you need analysis, go talk to Archie."

"I want to talk to you."

"Well," Emma exclaims, "Your bad judgement is your call, not mine."

"You don't know what it's like with her," Gram tries to explain, "I don't feel anything. Can you understand that?" As Gram tries to explain himself, Emma continues to argue about bad relationships. He tries to tell her that he wants to talk to her. "Because..." he starts to say. Then, he pulls her in and kisses her. Then, he experiences flashbacks filled with wolves and woods. 

"What was that?" Emma asks stunned and angry.

Gram asks also stunned, "Did you see that?" Emma asks him how much he had been drinking. Before he can answer, he spots something on the ground. "Emma," he says, "Look." He points in the direction of the street corner. 

"Is that Raven?" Emma asks. Both of them run over to the corner. Raven lays there, coughing, and eyes closed. "Raven," she asks, "are you okay?"

"Emma, we need to get her to the hospital. Here." Gram hands Emma his phone. "Call Doctor Wale and Mr. Gold, as well as the mayor." 

Emma takes his phone and dials the town mayor. "Hello?" Regina says when she picks up.

"Madam Mayor. Something's happened."

"Ms. Swan, why do you have the sheriff's phone."

"That's not important. What's important right now is you need to come to the hospital. And I would bring Henry."

"Why? He's asleep right now, Depute."

"Raven's been found unconscious on a street corner near Granny's."

Regina did not immediately answer. When she did, she instructs Emma, "Take her to the hospital. Ask for Doctor Wale and only Doctor Wale. I'll call Mr. Gold. Henry and I will be on our way as soon as we can."

Emma hangs up the phone and hands it back to the sheriff. He puts it back into his pocket. He picks Raven up bridal style and heads to the hospital. 

At Regina's Castle

Regina looked over the courtyard with a sad expression. She watched as Snow White approached the casket where her father now laid. She set a rose down on his casket and said goodbye. Tears fell down her face. She gasps when Regina put a hand on her shoulder. Regina said, "I'm so sorry, Snow."

"I loved him so much," she replied. She cried into Regina's shoulder as they embraced.

"I did too," Regina lied to the crying child. "So did I," she continued to lie. They separated and Regina exclaimed, "The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I may only be your mother through marriage, but I'm here for you dear." A false tear fell from Regina's eye. "Truly and forever." They embraced once again. 

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