Chapter 30: Evil Twin

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Season 2: Episode 20 - I skipped a few chapters

"Actually, I prefer it with the lights on," Killian says under the hood which Greg and Tamara had put on him. 'My lord,' Jerrard comments, 'If I may interject.' Killian thinks, 'No, you may not.' His captures pull off his hood. "If you two were smart, you would know that I don't fear the dark, so if this is your idea of torture. Well..." Killian lets his eyes turn red towards Tamara. "Your just gonna have to try a little harder."

"Torture you?" Greg says, "No, we just wanna offer you a job."

Killian turns from Greg to Tamara. "Oh. And then you're gonna let me go?" he asks frighteningly. Then, he begins to laugh. Suddenly, his restraints are set ablaze. Killian then stands and explains, "Oh, I'm sorry - I already did that last job. I killed Rumpelstiltskin. I'm sated. Replete; my life's purpose met. Now all I have to do is reunite with my sister and my life will be all sunshine and rainbows."

"I wish I could've been there," Tamara exclaims, "To see the mighty vampire king stab the Dark One."

Killian explains, "Well then, you know who and what I am. If you could keep that to yourself, that'd be wonderful. But you know my work is done."

"Yeah, I don't think so," Greg says pointing out of the clock tower. "Take a look."

Killian stares out into the night. With his vampiric vision, he spots Rumpelstiltskin and Bell - as Lacey - walking together. "No, No!" he shouts.

"He's alive, Hook," Tamara says.

"He beat you," Greg explains, "Now this guy has powerful magic, mate. He's untouchable. And from what we've learned about you, you'll never get another chance to take him down without exposing your little secret."

"Oh, I will," Killian tells them. He turns his eyes red again and let his fangs extend. "I will indeed."

"Not unless we help you," Tamara explains. Killian asks how they can help him. "We know how to kill magical creatures," she explains.

He looks down, then back up. "And the price?" he asks.

"I need you to help me find someone," Greg answers. "My father - he was taken in this town a long time ago."

"How do you think I'll be able to help you find your father?" the pirate asks amused.

"Because you know the woman that took him," Greg says approaching him. "The same woman who's blood runs through your veins. Regina."

"Do you honestly think I'd help you take down my mother?" Hook says.

Tamara then rebuts, "From what I heard she did to you, you probably want some much needed revenge." Killian eyes her angrily. "Do we have a deal?"

Later that day...

Regina stares at her portal bean plant when she hears footsteps come down the hall. She quickly rushes to her desk when the door opens. "Ian," she says, "you look like you've had a rough night."

"Indeed I have," Killian exclaims as he closes the door. "I'm here to ask for a favor. That man, Greg Mendel, is working with some woman who abducted me from Boston. They want me to make an alliance with you and then betray you. That's why they let me go." He steps closer to his mother. "Let's skip the unpleasant betrayal business. I took up with Grandmother for a reason. If reestablish our alliance, we can take them down."

Regina composes herself. "Son, my mother died," she exclaims.

"Well, I wasn't a big fan of her, but I did learn one thing. The one thing she wanted most was to see you win," Hook tells her. "Now I failed in my revenge, but I can help reunite what little family we have left."

(A/N: I skip the fight with Maleficent)

Regina and Killian ride the elevator back up to the library. "You know," Killian says, "You almost had me. All that stuff about a fresh, clean start, forgetting as if our time apart never happened, kinda touched me. For a moment there, I thought I could forgive and forget. And honestly, I almost put a stop to my plan."

Regina looks at her son confused. "Your plan?"

"Well, their plan, but I fancied it," Killian says. "But they have promised me revenge. Do you know these two?" 

Greg and Tamara walk out. Regina exclaims, "What about starting over? The chance for me to be your mother again?"

"You say giving me to Avalaia was my best chance," Killian explains, "but if you know what she did to me. I can't let it go. Not without revenge." Regina stares at him frightened. "I'm sorry, Mother, but there's always an evil twin. Avalaia, Uruguay; I'm just continuing the family tradition."

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