Chapter 22: Insanity

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Raven's POV: At the Church

I watch as people are frantically running around the Church lot. Riker and I stand on one of the smaller buildings, mostly out of sight. "Why aren't we down there helping?" Riker asks.

I scuff, "Because they don't want help from a vampire. They want my head, just like they want my mom's. And only one of those is plausible." I stare at Red as she instructs people where to go. Watching her take charge like an alpha makes me think of Felix. My face lowers, and I mess with my wedding ring nervously.

"You miss them?" Riker asks. 

"Of course I do," I explain, "I haven't seen my true love or my best friend in almost thirty years. It feels like my insides are tearing themselves apart."

"Then why are we here? I can open up a portal to get us to Neverland right now. Why are you insisting we stay here if you hate it here?" Riker asks irritated. 

I sigh, "I can't leave Henry before Emma returns. I can't do that to my great-grandson, Rike."

"Does the kid even know?" Riker asks.

"He doesn't need to," I exclaim. "Now come on, we have an Evil Queen to torment."

Third Person POV: At Leopold's Castle (One Day before the Wedding)

Raven, her brother, her mother, and her grandfather walked outside in the garden. Regina held her son while Raven held her grandfather's hand. "Daddy, you don't know what mother's doing to me. It's like she's turning me into her," Regina cried, "I have to get away."

"Get away? But tomorrow is the wedding, my child?" Henry said. He brought his granddaughter in close. Raven wrapped her arms around his leg.

Regina replied, "I don't want to marry the king. I've told you that." Her father asked if it was just cold feet. "Daddy, this isn't cold feet. This is... This is insanity. I'm angry all the time and it's making me crazy." Raven ran to her mother and hugged her waist. Her brother held onto his mother slightly tighter. 

"She wants to give you everything she never got for herself," Henry explained.

"I don't want her life," Regina exclaimed. She set her son down. Regina took her children's hands in hers. "I want my own life." She walked to the center of the garden. "I want my children to live a life without fearing anyone." Regina stopped and asked, "How did she get like this?"

Henry explained, "There was a man. Well, not quite a man." Regina turned around to look at her father. "Someone Kora knew before I met her. He brought magic to her, gave her that book of spells; he made her like she is."

Regina approached her father, leaving her children behind. "What was his name?" she asked desperately.

"I don't know," he answered her. "Kora won't even say it."

"But the book is his," Regina said looking down devilishly. She turned to her children and reached out for them. They sped to her with their unnatural agility. 

Later that night...

"Mommy!" Raven and her brother whisper-shouted. They vamp-sped up to their mother. "We got it," Raven exclaimed. "It was under her pillow just like you said." Raven handed her mother the spell book.

"Thank you, my sweet children," she said. She looked through the book for the name. "Rumpelsch...Rumpelschtiltschkin I summon thee," she said roughly.

"That's not how you say it, Dearie," a new voice exclaimed. Raven and her brother instantly hid behind their mother, holding onto each side of her dress. Regina spotted him on her chair. "But then again," he explained, "You didn't have to say anything."

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