A bit of background information (Please Read)

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A/N: Okay, so there is some backstory with the vampires that I would like to explain real quick. 

Raven and her brother's father is Daniel, Regina's former fiance who died by Kora's hand in the show. He's also known as The Stable Boy.

Now, in my story, Daniel is a vampire

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Now, in my story, Daniel is a vampire. Not only is he a vampire, he's a vampire prince. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but let me explain. He and Regina had their kids, making them half human - half vampire, which doesn't ever happen. That makes the twins special (I'll explain later). 

In my story, Daniel has a twin sister named Avalaia (aval - leia). 

Because Daniel was the oldest, he would have gotten the throne, but passed it on to his sister so he could be with Regina

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Because Daniel was the oldest, he would have gotten the throne, but passed it on to his sister so he could be with Regina. 

Daniel and Avalaia's father's name is Montpelier.

Montpelier was the second vampire king and the son of the first vampire, Vladimir (he will show up later)

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Montpelier was the second vampire king and the son of the first vampire, Vladimir (he will show up later). He was also half human - half vampire, making him special. Montpelier was the wonder-boy of the supernatural world. He ended war between the vampires and werewolves and helped with the ogres wars (which will come up next chapter).

Uruguay was Montpelier's twin brother.

He was known as the "Mad General" to the vampires

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He was known as the "Mad General" to the vampires. He was also half human - half vampire. He is the youngest of the pair of twins.

A/N: I know this was a lot to explain and take in. If there are any questions later in the story, ask in the comments and I will answer. 

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