Chapter 18: One Way to Believe

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Raven's POV: Granny's

I sit across from Henry in a booth. He called Emma earlier for an Operation Cobra emergency. I am not sure what he means, but I have other things to worry about. I bought earplugs last night because my vampire hearing intensifies at times; they are a just in case. Also, my hunger intensifies every now and then. I make sure whenever I am with Henry. "Hey," I say, "You got the shot?" Henry nods in response. "Show it to me," I command. He takes out his backpack and unzips it. He pulls out the syringe. When I see it, my eyesight focuses on it. It becomes brighter than my surroundings. It hurts my head, so I hold the bridge of my nose.

"Are you okay?" Henry asks. I slowly nod, and wave it off. "Your powers are coming back," he whispers, "Your instincts are sensing danger and focusing on it to warn you."

Emma walks in before I could reply to Henry. "Hey," she says, "What's the emergency?"

"SH!" Henry yells. Then, he whispers, "This is sensitive."

Emma turns her voice to a whisper. "Why are we at Granny's out in the open?" she asks.

"I'm hungry," Henry says. When he says 'hungry', chills go up and down my spine - realizing I am hungry too. Henry asks, "Who all knows we hide the book at the Sheriff's Station?"

"Just Raven," Emma exclaims looking up at me, "Why?"

"Someone changed it," Henry explains which catches my attention. "There's a new story in it."

"Why would someone add a new story?" Emma asks. 

A sound suddenly fills my ears. 'A heartbeat...' Riker exclaims. Quickly, I pull out a pair of earplugs and put them in my ears. The sound is quieter... for now. Henry explains, "To tell something we need to know about the curse."

"And why would that be?" Emma asks.

"I don't know," Henry exclaims, "The story isn't finished." 

I butt in, "Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story and then not bother finishing it?"

Henry sits up. "That's what's weird. The story's about Pinocchio." I roll my eyes and think, 'August.' "Everyone knows how that ends," Henry continues.

"Well," Emma explains, "maybe that's why it was left out." Henry says that maybe there was more to it. "Henry," his mom says, "you are gonna be late for school. Let's go." Emma stands up and I follow. Henry looks down at his book one more time before packing it up.

In Neverland

"Raven," Peter said, "I've been staring at this candle for two hours and nothing's happened." He stood up from his crouched position.

"Well," I explained, "Pyromancy is most common out of the four elemental specializations. I thought maybe we'd start with this."

Peter turned to me and kissed my forehead. "Well, what's the next common one?" he asked.

"Air-mancy, actually," I replied. "All pyromancer's are reborn with a flame inside of them. Besides two vampires, that flame can go out if they create too much fire. In most cases, those dead-flamed pyromancer's control air. You have to understand air to understand fire."

Peter then asked, "What do I have to do to control air?"

I laughed, "I get to see you wave your hands around like a maniac for two hours." He picked me up jokingly and spun me around.

At Granny's Inn

I knock on August's door. I wait for a second before I hear banging noises from inside. I push open the door and try to walk in. However, I cannot move past the doorway. I did not have to walk in to see August in his condition. "Wow," I say. His leg is completely wood. He stares at me in pain. "Can I come in?" I ask. He nods. I slowly walk through the doorway to his side.

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