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"Wait wait, what?" Y/N asked, turning around to face her friends. "You're planning to invite more villains here?"

Ben, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay all barged inside her room. "Yeah. Evie really wants to bring Dizzy to Auradon and then Ben had an idea to add more" Mal explained.

"Of course we helped him pick which villain to bring" Carlos added, sitting down on Y/N's bed. Dude immediately wiggled himself out of the De Vil's grip before jumping on Y/N's lap and started licking her face.

"Isn't it great, Y/N?" Evie spoke with a huge smile. "And what does this has to do with me? Any explanation why you guys barged inside my room at 3 in the morning?" Y/N complained.

She really did not expect this to happen. Her friends, plus her brother, walking inside her room as she was sleeping peacefully. When they woke her up, her hair was a mess and her eyebags are seen.

"We were actually wondering- Wait are those bunny pajamas?" Ben asks, pointing to what his sister is wearing. Y/N groaned, "Just because our king doesn't mean you get to control what I wear Ben" she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, anyways we were wondering if you want to join us tour these new kids around school" Ben cleared his throat.

"When will they get here?" Y/N asked. "Tomorrow morning" Jay said, tossing one of Auradon's ball.

"Why did you guys think of dragging me to this job?" the young (H/C) haired girl complained. "Because you're my sister" Ben said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, so?" Y/N said, still confused. "I'm pretty sure those villains have no idea I'm your sister, so what's the point"

"Uhm I kind of told Dizzy that Ben has a sister. I mentioned that you're great in fashion and have nice hair, so she wants to meet you" Evie sheepishly said.

"No. I'm not going, I see no need to go anyway" Y/N mumbled. "Please Y/N" Ben pleaded, getting down on his knees.

She rolled her eyes, "No Ben. That's what you get for waking me up too early"

Mal stepped forward, sat on my bed and showed me her famous puppy dog was while pouting her bottom lip.

"Pretty please" she said. "For your best friend"

Mal knows her puppy dog eyes was too cute for you to handle.

I sighed, "Alright! Fine I'm going... But you're buying me coffee" I demanded, plopping down on my bed to get back to my sleep.

"What?! How come you said yes to Mal? And she just pouted a you" Ben complained. "Because Mal's cute! Deal with it" his sister said giving the daughter of Maleficent a hug.

"Night Y/N. Sorry for ruining your sleep" Carlos laughed, walking out of the door with the others. When Y/N heard the door shut, she stood up and went to her balcony.

She stares at the isle with a small smile.


Hey guys!!!!

Sorry if the PROLOGUE sucks.

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