Chapter 2

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We've been seated by the lake for fifteen minutes, staring at the peaceful surrounding.

"Why did your brother chose me?" Harry suddenly asked. I looked at him but he was staring in front.

"I don't know. I have no idea he invited more, they just informed me yesterday. All I knew was Evie wanted to bring Dizzy here, they didn't tell me they invited you and Gil" I said. "Why? You don't want to be here?"

"No, I just... This place reminds me so much of Uma" he admits. "She's always been there for me and she's helped me through a lot. All she ever wanted was to get off of that island and seeing Auradon reminds me of her"

I sighed, remembering how Uma tried to attack me two weeks ago during the cotillion.

"But do you really want to be here? I can talk to Ben if you're not comfortable here" I said. "No no, that's fine. I could use a break from the isle anyway" Harry chuckled slightly which made me smile.

After that an awkward silence followed. We heard the school bell ring from a far. I heard Harry groan.

"I heard you used to go to Dragon Hall" I smirked. "Don't worry, Auradon is like that... Except the classes have been turned"

Harry groaned even louder. We went back to school and saw Ben pacing around by the lockers. "Oh crap" I whispered.

I walked up to him with Harry behind me. "Hi Ben. How's it going" I greeted him casually.

"Where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere! We were touring around school and then when we turned around you and Harry were missing" Ben said.

"Ben relax. Nothing happened. It's all my fault, I got bored and I dragged Harry into my game. I'm sorry" I said. I won't let Harry get punished because he dragged me out of the tour.

Harry was shock.

"Fine, I'll let this one slip out but next time you'll get detention" Ben said. "Now get to class"

I nodded.

I watched as Ben turned around and left around the corner.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked, moving to stand in front of me. "It's your first day, I couldn't just let you get detention" I answered.

"But I'm a villain, why are you helping me? You're suppose to hate me" he said, looking down to the ground.

"I can't do that, Harry. Hero or villain, I treat them equally. I know that you're parents did horrible things in the past, but that doesn't mean you have to be exactly like them" I explained.

He looks up to meet my gaze.

"I have to go to class. But I'll see you at lunch?" I offered. Harry nods his head. I opened my locker, grabbed my science book and ran to class.

Harry's POV

I watched as Y/N ran to her next class.

I didn't expect her... Or anyone to be like that. I thought people would treat us differently here in Auradon. Uma said Auradon would be a horrible place, that's why she wants to take the wand to change that. I guess she was wrong.

"There you are, Harry! Come on let's go to class" I heard someone called me. I turned my head back to see the other VK's.

"Hi guys" I said. "Where were you and Y/N? Ben was so paranoid when he saw you two were not with us" Carlos said.

"Oh... Don't tell Ben, but I was kind of the one who dragged Y/N out of tour. She took the blame for me"

When I said that, they had their mouths open except for Gil and Dizzy.

"Y/N took the blame for you?" Mal said, like she wasn't believing me. "Now that's something you don't see everyday" Evie added.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Y/N is not that nice to anyone before. She usually tells the truth, especially to Ben. She tells everything to Ben" Carlos said.

"So?" I asked.

"Nothing! Hey, wanna have lunch with us later?" Evie changed the topic. I nod, "Yeah sure" I mumbled.

We head to class, we all have the same class which is English.

When Mrs White was discussing in class, I was staring out the window with my chin rested on the palm of my hand.

When the teacher turned around, Jay and Carlos faced me from their chair in front. "You alright, Hook?" Jay asked.

"I'm alright lads" I assured them. Carlos was about to speak when the teacher turned around and continued talking. They both faced in front to ‘listen’.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Mal, Evie and Dizzy talking at the other side of the room. I looked at them and they immediately stopped talking.

Why do I get the feeling that they're talking about me?

I continued staring outside.

When the bell rang, everyone ran to their next class. Jay, Carlos, Gil, Evie, Mal and Dizzy waited for me by the door as I grabbed my bag.

"I gotta go guys. Me and Carlos have tourney practice" Jay said. "Wait, Harry, Gil do you want join? We have openings?" Carlos offered.

"No thanks" me and Gil declined

Jay and Carlos nod their heads before taking off leaving me and Gil with Mal, Evie and Dizzy.

"Where's Y/N? I haven't introduced myself to her yet" dizzy frowned. The sound of Y/N's name made me look at them. The daughter of Maleficent noticed my actions and narrowed her eyes at me.

"She's still in class Dizzy. But later I'll take you to her room. Is that alright?" Evie said. Dizzy nods her head.

"Come on. We'll take you to your lockers, especially you Hook" Mal said. She noticed that I still have all my books.

*Time Skip*

The bell finally rang, signalling it's lunch. Me and Gil dashed out of the room and ram towards the cafeteria where the others are waiting. We ordered our food and found their table. I was shock to see Y/N sitting with us.

"Yay! They're here" she squealed happily. I sat down next to her, since Gil pushed me there. She scooted a little to give me some space. "I'm glad you're here to eat with us. I haven't seen you in any of my classes" I joked.

"Yeah, after my first class I had soccer practice" Y/N replied, taking a bite from her salad. (A/N: Let's pretend Auradon has soccer too).

"Is that like Jay and Carlos' game?" I asked. "Somewhat similar" Y/N shrugged. "Is Ben eating with us today, Y/N?" Mal asked.

"I don't think so..." Y/N trailed off, looking around to find her brother. "I think he'll be late, or something. I don't know, I also don't care" she mumbled, playing with her salad.

Mal rolled her eyes but shook it off. Y/N faced me with a smile, "How was your first day so far?"

"Great" I replied.

"Like it here?"

"A little"

"You should really join tourney with Carlos and Jay, you know" she said, looking over at Carlos and Jay who were both talking to Gil.


"You'd fit right in! You got the muscles, the strength, you're cute... You're perfect for the game" Y/N said.

Did she just complimented me?

"So you think I'm cute then, huh?" I raised an eyebrow while smirking at her.

Her cheeks turned red and she looked like she didn't know what she just said.


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