Chapter 14

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"Okay guys! Since Jay drank water first we decided what kind of punishment he's gonna take" Mal said through her phone. She took the video of the whole thing.

"We mixed up a lot of gross ingredients here in this bottle. Jay has to drink all of this as punishment" I said.

The bottle consist of water, mayonnaise, spicy pepper, vinegar, ketchup, salt etc. Basically everything we grabbed from the kitchen.

"What have you done this this drink?" Jay said in disgust. "Punishment" I smirked.

He opens the cap and brings it to his lips but then pulls it back. "No! No, I am not doing this" Jay said.

"Come on Jay! It's your fault for giving in" Carlos pointed out. "Thank you!!" I exclaims, giving Carlos a hug. I looked at Harry and noticed him glaring at Carlos.

"Harry! You're creeping him out!!" I smacked his shoulder. He shrugs and wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me away from Carlos.

"Someones jelly!!" Evie squealed. Mal scoffed, "Oh my God! If you have witnesses their intense moment when I walked in on them"

"I said we were sorry!" I exclaimed. "Yeah! Now drink that up Jay" Mal demanded.

Jay drank the whole bottle small sips by sips. Then he ran away and we all guessed he threw up.

"How spicy is it really?" Evie asked. She took my fork and ate a few strands of noodles. When she swallowed it seconds later, she touched her throat and started coughing. "Holy mother-- it gets spicier when it gets down your throat"

"Yeah. How about me? I had about four bites of this shit" I exclaimed. "Well I think you're more hotter than those noodles babe" Harry smirks.

I blushed and playfully shoved his shoulder.

"Babe!!" I whined. "How are you guys so cuddly and sweet and adorable?" Mal says.

"Should I worry if this is a good thing or a bad thing?" Harry asked.

"She means you guys are so adorable and Mal wishes she gets to name your first child" Evie answered. "More like you wanted to name their first child E" Mal says.

The bell rings and we gathered our stuffs. I gasped. "Gil!! You finished up all our noodles?"
All eyes turned to Gil who finished up the two plates. "Yeah! It was so good" he says. "And you-- I'm not gonna ask" Mal says.

"Well I'm gonna need Y/N and Mal to my room after school cause I'll be fitting your dresses for the prom! Dizzy's helping me" Evie said and then left.

"Prom?" Harry asks, reaching out and held my hand. "Yeah. Next month I think" I shrugged.

Harry nods his head and we walked to class.

Students who passed by gave us smiles and compliments. Some even “awe'd” us.

Harry chuckled and whispered, "I love you"

I smiled. "I love you too" I replied and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

Mal's POV

I walked to class with Lonnie and Jane when I suddenly saw the bushes move a bit. I stopped to investigate. I moved closer to it and saw a blue fingerless glove. It has starfish designs. No one uses fingerless gloves here except us VK's. And I would know if this is our glove because Evie herself designed them for us. Harry's and Gil's gloves are just plain black.

"Mal? Come on" Lonnie says. I dropped the glove down and ignored it.

"Yeah!" I called back.

During class my mind keeps coming back to the blue glove. I'm gonna have a VK meeting after school.

"Mal? Can you solve the equation in front?" the teacher asks.

I have math class and we're having a lesson of finding the value of x.

The problem in front was written 16x – 8 = 30

"Uhm... X is equal to 2" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Very good" she writes the answer.

I sighed and started doodling all over my notebook, even drawing a dragon.


Hey sorry if this chapter is too short.

PS: To all smart people out there, I'm so sorry if the math question above is wrong. I'm not great at Math.

Gotta Flash !!!!


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