Chapter 17

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While dancing, talking and drinking with the gang, a servant approached our group saying, "The king and queen wants to talk to all of you" he said, motioning to me, Harry, Ben, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Gil, Dizzy and Lonnie.

"Uhm okay?" I said, looking at the group in confusion. Like me, they too have no idea what this was about. But we followed the servant to mom and dad's room.

"Mom? Dad?" Ben asked, entering the room, us following behind him. "Oh thank God you kid are here" mom says, pulling me and Ben in her arms.

"What happened?" Mal asked. "You know how a few months ago, there was an accident during the cotillion?" dad said. "Yeah...." everyone trailed off.

"And one of the villain kids, Uma--" I felt Harry tense at the mention of their captain. "Turned into... An octopus and was never seen again" dad added.

"Where is this going?" I asked them. "One of the servants saw Uma by the ocean, in her complete human form, unconscious" mom spoke.

I froze in my spot. Uma is alive?

I looked at Mal to see her eye turn green, like light green. I held her hand and she calmed down.

"Please tell me you got rid of her" I pleaded. Harry touched my shoulder. "We brought her to help her get better. She wasn't feeling well when they found her" dad said.

"But dad you can't keep her here! You can't enroll her to school and expect her to turn good! Have you forgotten? She seduced and used Ben to get the wand and kill us! She attacked Mal and killed her if she didn't turn into a dragon! Who knows she might have planned all this" I shouted.

"I know honey. We can just drop her in the isle--"

"Yeah? That's what I expect you to do" I snapped.

"Honey, please. Listen to us--" mom said. "No! Mom, I'm tired of this. Ever since Mal returned to the isle, you know how miserable I was because the thought of loosing a best friend killed me. And when Carlos and Jay told me Uma captured Ben, I could barely control myself" I said.

Before anyone could say anything, I stormed out of the room. "Y/N" Mal tried to stop me but I was gone.

Mal's POV

We watched as Y/N left the room and Harry tried to run after her. "Wait Harry, we'll go. Believe it or not, she trusts us more than anyone. She'll talk to us. Come on guys" I said. Evie, Carlos and Jay nod their heads and the four of us ran after Y/N.

We found her locking herself in her room. "Y/N?" Evie called while knocking on the door. All we heard was sobbing.

"Y/N please talk to us" Carlos added. Dude barked in Carlos' arms. Soon she opened the door and pulled us inside her room. "What do you want?" she asked. She died her tears away.

It was then we realize she wasn't wearing her dress anymore. Instead she is no wearing black sports bra and shorts. Her hair tied into a messy bun.

"You blew up like a grenade back there" Jay said. "Why? Is something bothering you?" Evie asked. "Yeah. I can't believe mom and dad are letting Uma stay here. In fact, I can't believe they actually saved her by the ocean" Y/N said.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I asked. "She tried to kill you guys! She attacked us, she seduced Ben so she could get the wand!" Y/N shouted.

She then said something that we couldn't hear. "What?" Dude asked Y/N.

"Nothing" she said. "You said something. Come on tell us" Evie said.

Y/N looks at us, opened her mouth a bit before saying, "IthinkHarrystilllikesUma"

We titled our heads to the side in confusion.

"I think Harry still likes Uma" Y/N said.


"How could you say that sweetie??" Evie ask. "Mal used to tell me how Harry was in love with Uma. And now that Uma is back, I couldn't but think Harry might still have those feelings for her" Y/N shrugged, "They spent more time than me and Harry"

"But that doesn't mean Harry likes Uma until now. Why would Harry date you in the first place if he still likes Uma?" Carlos pointed out. "To get rid of his feelings for her" Y/N mumbled.

I sighed and sat next to her. "Y/N, I'm sorry if you feel that way. We can take care ourselves when it comes to Uma. We knew her longer than anyone, we know her games. As for Harry... I think you should trust him a bit more. If you feel like something's wrong with him, talk to him" I advised.

Y/N nods her head and leaned against me. "Group hug!!!" Dude said. The other three joined the hug making us laugh. "You know what, screw the dance. Why don't we stay here and watch a movie and eat food" Jay said.

We agreed. We changed into our night clothes in our rooms before returning to Y/N's room where she prepared then food and a bunch of movies. "Romance. Horror. Comedy. Mystery. Sci-Fi" Y/N asked.

"We'll watch everything" Carlos said, grabbing a CD and popped it in the player.

Harry's POV

Belle and Adam talked to us before dismissing us. They said we can ditch the rest of the dance if we want to.

I wondered around the halls until I passed by the clinic and saw a room with the light turned on. I walked inside and saw my captain sleeping on the bed.

I stood beside her bed and sighed, getting answers feeling of even being here.

I planned to check on Y/N in her room but instead it was like I was dragged here by some mysterious force.

I watched as Uma's eyes slowly opened and her lips curled into a smirk.

"Great to see you again, first mate" she said.



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