Chapter 20

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"So? How's working with Eliot Frost?" Evie smirked at me. "Oh please stop. He's just a friend. A friend who's willing to help me with the project. Unlike someone who ignored me this whole time and now he thinks its my fault why I got dragged into a new partner" I said, emphasizing the word “somone” which made Harry look at me.

"What?" I sassed. "I didn't know this was affecting you!" Harry defended himself. "You of all people should now how much school important to me, Harry. You have no idea because all these years, you've been nothing but a complete ass in Dragon Hall!" I shouted.

"At least I'm helping a friend" he shouts back.

"Really? Cause I feel like you're starting to have feelings for Uma again Harry!" I screamed, now standing up. "Do you have any idea how much it hurts when we found out Uma is alive? I remembered how you used to have feelings for her and now I think you're falling for her again"

The whole gang sat there, shocked. Ben, who saw the whole thing, approached me and grabbed my arm. "May I talk to you? Alone?" he whispered.

I scoffed, "Whatever" and grabbed my bag before stomping out of the cafeteria. Because if how pissed off I was, I took a sharp knife from a student and through the it towards the wall. I was thankful Ben as fast reflexes and immediately ducked. The end of the knife was stuck to the wall.

Evie yelped in fear, Jay had his mouth open, Carlos was shocked with my sudden action. Harry gasped when the knife was stuck to the wall. May was simply sitting down next to Evie with a bored look on her face. She's seen me like this before so she wasn't shocked.

Next thing, I grabbed a student's tray and threw it to the ground before finally making my exit out the door.

I screamed and kicked lockers on my way to Ben's office.

I kicked a locker and with my anger and might, I created a dent.

I sat down on Ben's chair in complete boredom.

He soon entered the room and locks the door. "What was that?" he asked.

"Harry's been pissing me off" I immediately answered while cleaning my nails. "Why did you have to throw that knife and destroy the kid's lunch?" he asked, sitting in front of me.

"Because why not" I sassed. He sighed, "What has gotten into you? You've been all moody and angry since Uma arrived"

I glared at him. "That's the problem! Uma is my problem! Harry loves Uma once, the love relationship type. And you know how this could end my relationship with Harry! I love Harry, I'm not ready to loose him" I said, my voice softened.

"You won't loose him, Y/N. He loves you--"

"No! He fucking doesn't love me! If he does love me, he would put me first before anyone else. But instead, he hung out with Uma more than me. We haven't started our project yet and the next thing I know, Eliot is my new partner"

"Eliot Frost? Elsa and Jack's kid?"

"Yeah. Ben, he's my best friend. How can you not know him?"

"You never talked about him since the new VK's arrive" he shrugs.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Whatever. I'm not sorry for destroying the cafeteria. I do feel sorry for Uma because she never knew Harry loves her. Harry's the sweetest guy ever! Uma should be lucky if she did had a relationship with him" I said before leaving the room.

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