Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

When night came, I was laying down on the bed with Gil doing his 'homework'.

I rolled my eyes. "You're never gonna get it right Gil"

Gil lightly glared at me and continued whatever he's doing. We have homework for Real Goodness class but I chose not to answer it.

There was a knock on the door which untold Gil to open it.

There stood the other VK's. "Hi guys" Gil greeted them.

"Hey! We just wanted to make sure you're alright" Mal said. "How's the homework going Gil?" Carlos teased. "Not good. I can't get anything right" Gil mutters.

Carlos and Jay offered to help him. Mal and Evie looked at me. "You alright Harry?" Evie asked.

"Good" I simply replied. I saw Evie smirking at Mal, Mal rolling her eyes in return. "What's up with you two?" I asked.

"Oh nothing" Mal casually said. "Yeah. Nothing, nothing at all" Evie added, giggling a bit.

Evie checked her watch and then went to the door. She opened it then dragged Y/N inside. She's wearing a green crop top jacket that says '13 Reasons', black ripped jeans and boots. A baseball cap was tied on one of her belt loops, her small back pack slung over her left shoulder.

Damn, she looks hot.

"What the--Evie!!" Y/N yelped, shock that she was dragged inside a room by the daughter of the Evil Queen.

"Hi Y/N" Evie smiled. Mal was busy setting up the laptop so she just waved at Y/N while turning it on. Y/N looked around the room and she blushed when she saw me.

I smirked, "Hi love. How's your day?" I asked.

"Great" Y/N said. She sat down on my bed. I sat up, grabbed her waist and laid her down beside me.

She squealed when I brought her down on my bed and I hugged her.

"Harry!!" she said. "What? You're comfortable" I replied, burying my face in the crook of her neck, making her laugh.

"Aww" Evie said, a huge smile on her face. "Come on Evie. Leave them be" Mal smirked.

I smirked and pulled Y/N closer to me. I can feel, Y/N rolling her eyes because of what her friends said.

Y/N stayed put. We just laid down on the bed while hugging each other.

She noticed Evie and Mal watching something in Mal's laptop.

"Are you guys watching Riverdale?" Carlos asked Mal and Evie.

"Yeah... Shut up!!" Mal hushed.

"OMG!! Cole Sprouse is so hot!!" (A/N: Harry is more hotter, guys.... Jughead Jones wuz here!!!) Y/N shouted, jumping up from my hug and ran over to them.

The three of them watched 'Riverdale' until I decided to do my homework. Well, forced Carlos to do my homework.

I kept staring at Y/N and watched as she intensely watched whatever they're watching.

I smiled. Jay playfully coughed, making me look at him.

"What, Jay?"

"You're staring man" he whispered. "No! I'm... Looking at the stupid painting behind them" I said.

"As if! There's no painting in this room, Harry" Carlos said looking up from doing my homework.

I looked around the room to see it plain brown. I'm glad the girls are wearing headset.

I glared at Carlos and pointed at my notebook. He sighs, "Alright alright" he mumbled.

"So what is it really? You and Y/N" Jay said. "We're friends" I answered confidently.

It's true right? We're friends I mean, we just met this morning.

After about an hour of just staring at Y/N and sometimes talking to Jay, they finally left since its getting late.

I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.


On the way back to my dorm, Evie and Mal kept on teasing me.

I was blushing madly and I just can't wait until I get to bed.

"He totally likes you, Y/N!" Evie squealed. "How can you say so?" I asked.

"He keeps on staring at you while we're watching Riverdale" Mal said.

"That doesn't mean anything!" I defended. "It does mean something! It means he finds you attractive, which means he likes you" Evie explained.

I narrowed my eyes at you. "Where did you get all this?" I asked.

"I'm the daughter of the Evil Queen" she shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

I finally reached my room, Mal and Evie saying goodbye to be before leaving to go to their room.

I changed into my pajamas and hopped on my soft comfortable bed.

I requested Ben to give me a private room, which means no room mate. He did told me that I'm sharing a room with Dizzy but I replied she might want to stay with Evie.

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, having the same dream as before. The guy's face was still blurry but his voice sounds familiar.

I can't figure out who the guy is. He really does sound familiar, his Scottish accent sounds familiar.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and checked the time: 3:00.

"Damn it, woke up at the devil's hour" I mumbled. Saying curse words is unheard of me, except when I'm around the VK's. Mom, dad and Ben knew I say curse words, and they forbidden me to do so.

Carlos' POV

I walked to class to find Y/N sitting in her usual spot, with two cups of coffee on her table.

I made my way towards her. She looked up to face me. "Hey?" she said.

"What's with the coffees?" I asked. "I... I didn't have sleep last night?" Y/N replied, her tone of voice was uncertain.

I gave her a serious look making her sight and closed her laptop shut. "Fine, I had this dream"

I sat down beside her. "What dream?"

"I had the similar dream the other night, the other night was when I was in the Isle Of The Lost and a bunch of guys tried to hurt me. A certain guy helped me, he has blue eyes and thick Scottish accent, but his face is blurry. Last night, I dreamed of him again" Y/N explained.

"Wait wait, how did you get to the Isle?" I asked. "I don't know, Carlos! I couldn't figure who it was" Y/N said, getting frustrated, "I stayed up all night to figure out who he is but no one came to my head"

I sighed and places a hand on top of hers, "Whatever that is I just want to let you know that if you're having trouble with anything we'll always be here for you. If you don't want to talk to Ben about your problems you can always approach us" I offered.

Y/N smiled, "I know that Carlos. Thanks"

Dude, who was sitting on the floor barked and jumped on my lap and licked my face.

"He really loves you" Carlos smiled. "He loves you too!" I replied.




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