Chapter 1

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"Well well well.... Look what we have here fellas"

A voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a group of five guys. "Where-Where am I?" I asked, looking around to see me in a dark alley.

"Now now sweetie, no need to be scared. We won't hurt you" a guy with blonde hair said. The brown haired one stepped forward and held my arms.

"What-What do you want from me?" I asked, getting nervous. "This'll be quick sweetheart" the black haired said, stepping forward to kiss my neck.

The other guys started touching me. "Stop it!! No!! Help!!!" I shouted. The blonde one covered my mouth and dragged me deeper into the alley.

I started kicking and squirming around.

"Hey!!" someone shouted. The guys stooped touching and kissing me to look at who broke their moment. The blonde still has his hand over my mouth.

"What do you think you freaks are doing?" the mysterious person said. He moved closer but still stayed in the shadows.

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" the brunette shouted.

He took a few steps closer before his face was shown because of the light but it was blurry. The guys gasped and stepped back, finally letting me go. The one holding my arms threw me to the ground as they dashed away.

I groaned while rubbing my head. The guy stepped closer to me. "Are you alright lass?" he asks. His Scottish accent sounds so hot.

All I can see was his blue eyes. He helped me stand up. We stared into each other's eyes.

"What's your name, sweetie?" he asks.

"Y/N. You?"



Someone shouted, while shaking me. I jerked up from my bed. I looked around my room to see Mal and Evie. "What the hell, guys!!" I complained.

"You're talking in your sleep... Again!!" Mal said. "Oh please, like you don't do that!" I said, rolling my eyes. "As much as I wanna hear you guys have one of your playful arguments... Y/N? Take a shower, now! Today's the day!" Evie said, dragging me out of bed.

"Today's the day for what?" I asked, rubbing my head. She pushed me inside my bathroom with one of my fluffy towels.

"The day where the new villains arrive?" she said in a ‘duh’ tone. I rolled my eyes and shut the door, taking a shower.

*30 mins later*

I walked out the bathroom to see Evie going through my closet and Mal looking over my bookshelf. Yes I take long in the shower.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Evie turned around, "Oh! There you are! I prepared your outfit!" she squealed.

She dragged me over to a chair and plugged in my hair dryer.

After drying my hair, Evie handed me my outfit which is a black crop top that says ‘ORIGINAL 41’ in white bold letters, black ripped jeans, black combat boots and to top it up with a black leather jacket.

Evie did my hair since I told her I'll be doing my make up. I applied light make up and my lip tint as Evie tied my hair into a one sided fishtail braid.

"Wow" Mal said, looking at me. "You look hot" she adds.
"I did pretty good" Evie said, proud of what she just did. "You're the best" I said.

After all that, Evie and Mal dragged me to the coffee shop. I requested to pass by the coffee shop to get some coffee.

After getting our drinks we finally caught up with the guys to the entrance of Auradon.

"There they are!" Carlos said. Him, Jay and Ben turned to look at us. "You took long" Jay said. "I had a bet with Jay that you would back out" Carlos said, nudging Jay.

Jay sighed and handed him fifteen bucks. I laughed, "That's what I would do too"

Ben leaned forward to kiss Mal's cheek before smiling at me. "Morning sis. Glad you can come"

"Yeah" I sighed, running my head to the side and sipped my drink.

After a few minutes, a black limo pulled over in front of us. I was happy I managed to talk Ben into having a discussion with Fairy Godmother about the band. It's not that I hate Doug or his band mates, it just annoys me.

The driver opened the door and a small girl came running towards Evie. "Evie!" she squealed.

"Hi" Evie said, giving her a hug. She must be the Dizzy girl Evie and Mal have been telling me.

Then two guys came out. One has blonde, the other had dark wild hair.

The son of Captain Hook immediately looked at me the moment he stepped out of the car, giving me a smirk.

I gave him a small smile before sipping my drink again.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ben and this is my girlfriend Mal" Ben introduced. "These are Evie, Carlos and Jay, they're from the isle like you. And this is Y/N, my sister"

We all shook their hands, Harry lightly gripping my hand when we shook hands.

"Hey" he greeted. I smiled, "Hi"

I stepped back, standing beside Ben.

"Alright so let's begin" Ben said, clapping his hands as he lead everyone inside.

Once we reached the halls Ben turned around and handed them their schedule and lockers. "So these are your schedules. Dizzy, your locker will be next to Evie's. Gil is next to Jay's and Carlos'. And Harry is next to Y/N's"

I smiled. "Cool" I whispered, finished my drink and threw it in the can.

As Ben and Mal explained the campus rules and the classrooms, I slowed down behind the group to use my phone. Ben hates it whenever he's having a discussion and I'm not paying attention.

I typed through my phone like my life depends on it to even notice someone already walking beside me.

"Are you going to talk to me or you're just gonna type the life out of your phone" a Scottish accent spoke beside me. I looked up to find Harry.

"God, you scared me" I whispered. "Sorry" he chuckled. "Why are you whispering?"

"Ben hates it when I'm not paying attention to events or stuffs like this" I whispered. "We can make a run for it you know" he suggested.

"What?" I asked. He took my hand and dragged me away from the group. When we were far we ran outside of school.

We reached the lake where Ben and Mal had their first date, and started laughing. "I can't believe we just did that!" I laughed.

"That was fun, admit it" he said. "Yeah it was. I don't know if I should feel nervous or what. I can feel my heart beating in my chest" I said, feeling my heartbeat.

"That's how you'll know you're having fun" Harry smirked.



So this is Chapter 1.

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