Chapter 26

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"Seriously, Frost. Where are you taking me?" I giggled as Eliot was leading me towards somewhere while covering my eyes.

"You've been asking that five times already, Y/N" he laughed. "Because you know I hate surprises" I laughed as well.

"Don't worry. Just a few more steps"

After a few steps... And another few steps and he suddenly stopped. "Can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked him, my hands making their way behind my head.

"Yeah" Eliot replied.

I finally took the blindfold off and the sight in front of my made me gasp. "Oh my God" I breathed out.

Eliot room me to the beach where there is a romantic picnic by the ocean. The blanket was surrounded by a few candles - vanilla scented candles.

Eliot and I walked down the stairs that leads to our dinner date while I was smiling like crazy. "You did this?"

"Well... I asked help from Krystal of course" Eliot admits.

Krystal is Anna and Kristoff's daughter.

"Awe" I cooed. I gave him a hug before he led me towards the blanket. We sat down and he opened the basket which contained fruits, sandwiches, waffles, cinnamon rolls and

"And who made these foods?" I smirked. "Mom" Eliot answered. "Well let me just tell you I love Elsa's foods" I assured him, taking a piece of cinnamon roll and took a bite from it.

I took a strawberry and dipped it with chocolate before holding it in front of Eliot's mouth. He gladly opened his mouth and took a bite from it.

"Chocolate" he sighed. I giggled at his reaction.

"So how are things with you and Harry?" he asked.

I frowned.

"Oh I'm sorry if it ruined your mood. Forget it, I never should've asked you that" Eliot immediately apologizes to me.

"No no no. It's alright. He actually tried to stop me from seeing you tonight" I admitted.

"He kept begging and apologizing" I mumbled.
"Do you still have feelings for him?"

I hesitated before answering, "I don't know anymore"

Eliot scoots closer to me and pulls me in his arms. "I'll always be here for you"

I smiled and hugged him in return. "Thanks"

We pulled away and stared at each other. We slowly started praying forward, our eyes slowly closing until our lips touched.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. The kiss was slow and passionate. We took it slow and pulled away after a few seconds.

"Whoa" I breathed.

"Yeah" Eliot mumbled as well.

"Listen Y/N. I've been feelings this way since the day I met you and I just need to tell you this before I'll officially loose you for good" Eliot said before clearing his throat.

"I like, no... I love you Y/N" he says while staring into my eyes.

My heart flipped after he said those words. I admit that I did like Eliot before I even met Harry. Eliot's a really nice guy and it's hard not to fall for him.

There's been a whole bunch of girls chasing after him but it never tore us apart.

"I love you too Eliot" I found myself saying those three words.

Eliot smiled and hugged me. "Will you give me a chance?"

I smiled, "Of course"

(A/N: Again Shawn Mendes portrays Eliot okay? Okay)

Uma's POV

While violently flipping the pages of my book, almost ripping the page off, Harry walks inside my dorm room.

I was so lucky they can't find a roommate for me so I get to have the room to myself.

I smiled after seeing my first mate. "Hey" I greeted. But Harry ignored me.

He keeps pacing back and forth, while biting his nails. I rolled my eyes and put my book down. "What's up with you?" I asked, crossing my arms.


Hearing Beast's daughter's name sent fire through my heart. "What about her?" I asked, taking my concern.

"I think she just broke up with me"

"Okay, so?" I asked, not understanding his point. "Don't you understand?" Harry growled, "Y/N, my girlfriend just broke up with me!" he shouted.

"All because she saw us kiss the other day!" he continued.

I scoffed. "Oh please Harry. Don't act like you didn't enjoy that kiss" I sassed.

"You're right. I didn't" he hissed. "Because it was then that I realize I lost the love of my life"

I gasped. "Are you seriously turning to down because of her?"

"I'm willing to turn everything down just to have her" Harry replied.

I glared at him. "Leave!!"

"Gladly" Harry said and left the room.

Once the door closed I screamed and threw the book aside.

Damn it Y/N!! I had it!!

You just had to ruin everything!!!

I glared and turned to see my shell necklace that's places on the table.

I picked it up as well as the sleeping potion I created before the Cotillion. I found it written I Mal's spell book and created it just in case. I didn't really expect it to come in handy.

I smirked while eyeing the black liquid that's placed inside a container.


Sorry this stood just got shorter and shorter. I'm trying to create a cliffhanger.


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