Chapter 18

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The next day, Ben made me breakfast as an apology because mom and dad saved Uma and will possibly let her stay in Auradon since they can't transport her back to the Isle.

I was glad Ben decided to make me breakfast. Although I know he didn't made them himself.
I wore a black sweatshirt, red skirt and black boots (A/N: Outfit above)

After eating breakfast, I walked through the halls. Other students stared at me but with one simple glare, they all looked away. I sighed and pushed a few strands of hair away from my face.

I saw the gang leaning against my locker so I approached them. "Hey"

They gave me a nervous smile which only made me more confuse. "Okay. What's going on?"

"Uhm... Everyone knows" Evie spoke for the group. "That I cheated on our History exam?" I asked in shocked.

"No!!" Lonnie cried. "Wait you did?! I knew you were hiding something in that eraser!" Carlos said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Everyone knows that king Adam and Queen Belle found Uma by the ocean and she's going attend Auradon with us. They knew Harry used to have feelings for her" Mal explained.

My heart sank to my stomach. "So it's true then? Mom and dad really are enrolling Uma to school" I sighed.

"And speaking of Uma" Jay mumbled.

We heard gasps so when we turn around we saw Uma walking through the halls with Harry and Gil.

"When the hell did she wake up?" I asked. They shrugged.

Harry looks at me and gave me an apologetic smile before leading Uma to class.

I sighed and opened my locker. I took my Chemistry textbook out and walked to class with Evie.

"You okay?" she asked. "No..." I whispered.

"You'll be fine. Harry loves you, he's dating an amazing girl. He can't throw you away just to be with Uma" Evie assured.

I sat with Evie while the professor talks about chemicals and different mixtures and effects.

My mind is honestly not on our lesson bug instead, I'm thinking of Harry.

*Time Skip*

During lunch, I took a tray and bought my usual food, salad and orange juice and sat with the VK's.

"How's class?" Lonnie asked as she sits with us too. "Good" they replied. I was staring into place while playing with my celery.

"Y/N?" Mal snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Hello? You okay?"

"What? Yeah, school's fine"

Jay looks like an idea popped in his head. "Who's having music next period?"

"Us" Mal replied, motioning to her, Evie and me.

"You'll be picking a pair, any pair, and perform a song in three months" Jay said. I groaned, "Not that again! We had that last time"

"Yeah. But this time, you can either choose any song of any genre or write your own" he smirked.

"Who's your partner?" Evie asked.

"Lonnie" Jay shrugged.

"Great. I'm taking Evie. Y/N, I suppose you'll go with Harry" Mal said. "Yeah. I guess" I shrugged.

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