Chapter 25

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Evie, of course, helped me pick an outfit and did my make up. She even offered the sew my dress but Mal and I told her that one of my dresses will do.

Evie picked out a black dress and matched it with one of my boots. I requested for light make up, which Evie did perfectly and applied my red lip tint.

"Oh my goodness! Y/N, you look absolutely amazing" Evie said, clapping her hands together while jumping up and down.

Mal, who is reading a book from her bed, approached us with a smile. "Yeah I gotta agree with E, Y/N. You do look great" she said. "I'd honestly date you right now if I wasn't in a relationship with Ben" she smirks.

It wasn't a huge surprise that when Mal and her friends arrived Auradon, Mal would flirt with me. She has until now, even though she's already dating Ben.

"Then break up with him and swipe her off her feet" Evie told Mal. "Okay then. I'll tell Ben that I'm gonna cancel put date tomorrow night and take this beautiful lady on a date instead of Frost's kid" Mal said, taking her phone out.

"Mal! Jeez, don't do that" I said while laughing. "Awe" she pouted, "But I really like you Y/N and I wanna go on a date with you"

"Wait are you actually serious?" I asked. "No, I'm just kidding. If Ben and I do break up, I'm taking you out on a date" Mal laughed.

I playfully punched her shoulder. "Okay. Well Eliot just texted me. He's waiting outside Auradon" I said.

I hugged Evie and Mal before grabbing my purse and walking out of their dorm. On my way out, I bumped into Harry. He looked shock when he saw me all dressed up.

"Hey" he mumbled. "Hi" I answered. "You look lovely. Where are you off to?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Eliot's taking me out on a date" I replied.

"Eliot... Frost?"

"Yeah" I mumbled. I heard Harry sigh. "What about us, Y/N?"

That's when my head snapped up to look at him. "Excuse me?"

"I-I mean what happened to our relationship? We never broke up" Harry told me.

I scoffed. "Yeah well kissing Uma behind my back seems like a break up, don't you think?" I snapped.

His eyes widen. "H-How did you know?"

"Well, I do have trusted friends who have my back, Hook. Friends who will never hurt me" I told him.

Harry looked sad and defeated.

"You left me" I said, trying so bard not to cry because I might ruin my make up.

"It was a mistake. I have no idea what happened! I still love you" Harry pleaded, going down on his knees in front of me.

"Is that what you told her too?" I asked.

Harry took my hands and begged for me to take him back. Luckily, Jay and Carlos passed by and they tore Harry away from me. "What the hell are you doing to Y/N, Hook?" Jay immediately demanded.

"We were just talking!" he defended. "He's all yours, boys" I said and made my way pass them towards the entrance of the school where Eliot was waiting.

"Hey" I greeted. He immediately turn around and his eyes widened, "H-Hey! Wow... You look uh..."

"Why? Is this too much?" I panicked, thinking I overdressed myself.

"No! No, of course not. What Ieant to say is that you look amazing. You're gorgeous" he smiles.

"Awe" I cooed and gave him a side hug and pecked his cheek. "So where are you taking me?"

"That's a surprise" Eliot says before taking my hand.

Mal's POV

I sighed while leaning against the wall.

"What's wrong, M?" Evie asked from her side of the room. "Nothing. Watching Y/N getting all glammed up reminds of the first time I went on a date with Ben" I answered with a smile on my face.

"Oh" Evie cooed as she moved to sit on my bed. "What's so bad about that?"

"I just realized how far we've gone through. Right when I'm finally getting used to the fact that I'm part dragon and part princess, part Auradon and part Isle... I just don't know anymore" I replied and ran a hand through my hair.

"What ever is it that you have in mind, just always remember that we're here for you. You can always talk to us" Evie assured me while giving me a hug. "Thanks E"

After our small moment, someone walks inside our room. We looked and saw Carlos and Jay with Harry. Jay is dragging Harry by the collar of his shirt. Dude walks inside and immediately sits on the small dog bed we have by the corner of the room.

"What's that thing doing here?" I asked, now standing up from my bed. "That thing has a name y'know" Harry mumbled.

"Oh right, I remember" I said and pretended to think. "It's name is bastard "

Evie rolled her eyes at my statement.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Harry asked.

I slowly approached him, my eyes turning green. "You don't know? How about I refresh your memory" I demanded.

"You were sucking on a certain bitch's face. I'm pretty sure Y/N's hair is not blue-ish black, Harry"

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Y/N has every right to go on a date with Eliot after what you did to her!!" Evie joined in the conversation.

Harry stopped talking and looked at us. "Y/N went on a date?"

"Yeah... I thought she already told you that" Carlos crossed his arms.

"I thought she was kidding! I thought they was her way of giving me the hint that she's breaking up with me"

"Yeah well hint or no hint, I'm sure as hell Y/N's gonna end whatever this is sooner later" I said.


I got no more ideas!!

Please send some ideas, post them below in the comments because I so badly need them right now.



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