Chapter 12

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It's been four days since I accidentally told Harry I like him. I still have no clue if he took it literally or he thought I was just saying it as a joke.

I tried my best to avoid him but I always fail. I have majority of my classes with him and I can't kick him out of our lunch table. So what I did, I lock myself in the library. My best friend Elliot, son of Jack Frost and Elsa always keep me company.

I walked inside the library and squealed when I found Elliot playing with his ice powers.

"Elliot!" I said. I hugged him for behind and he makes a snowball with his hands and placed it on top of my head.

"No fair! I don't have any powers!" I pouted. Elliot laughs and wipes the snow off my head.

"For the fourth time this week, what made you go to the library?" he asks. He's been asking the same old question ever since I took a step inside the library. But I never told him.

"Harry Hook" I mumbled. Elliot's eyes widen. "The infamous son of Captain James Hook?" he asks in shock. "You two are best friends! More close than us actually. What did he do?"

"I... I told him something I never should've said"

"And that is?"

I was about to reply but the doors to the library opened. I looked up and my eyes widen when I saw Harry entering the library. Good thing me and Elliot are seated at the corner.

"Don't let him know I'm here" I begged while giving Elliot a pleading look before ducking down and ran to the bookshelves to hide.

Elliot gave me a confused look but then sighed and pretended to be reading a book.

Harry approaches him, slammed his hands on the desk, taking Elliot by surprise. "Blonde boy, have you seen Y/N anywhere? I'm sure as hell you know who she is" Harry said.

"N-no I haven't seen her here" Elliot said. I lightly giggled at the fact Harry scares him. "Don't lie to be snowy" Harry threatens.

That's snaps me.

Why was Harry so worried about me all the sudden? Is he like this when he hangs out with Mal and the gang?

" I don't know sir" Elliot said.

Harry sighs and ran a hand through his hair. "Fine. Whatever" he whispers then left the library.

I finally got up from my hiding place and saw Elliot passed out on the floor.

"Elliot!" I shrieked and rushed towards him. "Hook... S-scares me" he whispers. I playfully smacked his shoulder. "He's not that bad"

"Then why are you avoiding him?" Elliot said, now sitting up.

"Because I told him that I like him" I said.

Elliot gives me a look and I can see is sadness in his eyes. But why?

"And?" he asks.

"It's true... I do like Harry" I smiled a bit.

"Why are you avoiding him then?"

"Because I feel ashamed. What if he doesn't feel the same way for me" I said.

Elliot pulled me in his arms and kissed my forehead. "It's alright Y/N. Just give it some time. He'll come around"

"You think so?"

"I know so. I mean, who wouldn't want to date you?" he playfully jokes. "Dudes in the isle will fall head over heels for you any day"

I giggled. We talked and chat in the library. I practically stayed there for the whole morning before running to class in the afternoon.

While running to my locker, I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh gosh! I am so sorry" I apologized.

He looks at me and smiles. Harry.

"It's all good Y/N" he says. I avoid making eye contact with him as I walked to my locker.

"Why are you avoiding me all the sudden love?" Harry asks. "I-i'm not" I stuttered.

I opened my locker and take my textbook out.

"I can tell something's botherin' us lass" his Scottish accent sent shivers down to my spine.

"It's nothing Harry. Just leave it" I said. I pushed my way past him but he owns me against the lockers, holding my wrists.

"Harry! Let me go!" I screamed. "Not until you tell me what's going on! You're hiding something from me" he says.

"I like you! There! I said it! Happy now?" I said. I managed to push him away from me. "It's not like it's important anyway. You obviously don't feel the same. So go ahead, feel free to laugh at me for having this stupid useless crush on you"

Harry growls and pressed his lips against mine, placing his hands behind my head so that I won't pull back.

My instincts took control as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"I like ya too Y/N" he whispers against the kiss. "Why do you think you've been getting sweet letters from an admirer?"

What he said caught me off guard and lightly pulled away. "That was you?"

He nods his head, licking his lips. "Mal kind of helped me out"

I nod my head. "I like ya Y/N" Harry says.

"I like you too Hook" I smiled.

He pressed his lips against mine again.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while.


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