Chapter 30

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"Gross! Ugh! Fuck off!" I shrieked when a few nasty pirates tried to touch me. Uma had me tied to a post but her crew kept approaching me.

"You're a feisty one" one pirate smirked while licking his lips. "I wonder how you're like in bed" he adds.

I rolled my eyes, "I said. Back. The fuck. Off!!" I said and finally kicked him by his crotch making him groan and fell to the ground.

"Alright guys. Step back now, don't want our little princess run away" Uma called. "As if" I mumbled.

"You will. I know it" she adds. I scoffed, "Even if I get off this post, I can't leave this island. You'll find me either way"

"Not if you bumped into one of your Auradonian friends" Uma rolled her eyes. I pretended to be shocked, "What? No way, they're not here"

"Oh don't act like you don't know!" Uma growled. "I seriously didn't know! I thought they had no idea I disappeared since there are random times at random days where I'd disappear and come back for a few days so they didn't mind if I was suddenly missing" I lied.

Well it's not exactly a lie. I do disappear at random times. I lied by telling the truth.

Uma seemed to believe me. "Someone must have checked the security camera and saw you being taken away"

"Wow. How fun" I sarcastically mumbled.

"What have you got as an exchange now? Last time was the wand" I raised an eyebrow at the daughter of the sea witch. She was about to reply when my purple haired friend appeared with the rest of the gang.

"You'll see" Uma smirked and untied me from the post and shoved me in front of her. "Ow! Watch it!" I growled.

I looked at my friends and saw the look of worried. I caught a glimpse of Harry and he is glaring at Uma. "Give us Y/N back, Shrimpy" Mal said stepping forward towards us.

"Oh? Really now" Uma said and playfully moved her sword near my neck. "You're not getting her"

Mal scoffed and turn around to look at Harry to see Jay gripping onto Harry's shoulder tightly. "How about this... We'll surrender Harry to you... And you give us our baby girl back" Mal suggested.

I looked back at Uma. I can't read her expression but I can see the look of adoration she's throwing at Harry.

"How will I know that Harry is not a fake one like the wand?" Uma challenged. Mal rolled her eyes and kicked Harry's side.

Harry groaned and fell to the ground in pain.

"Is that proof enough for you?" the daughter of Maleficent smirked. "You didn't say anything about hurting me" Harry complained.

Mal rolled her eyes and ignored Harry's comment.

"He looks real enough for me though" Uma tilted her head to the side. "Seriously? Do you want me to throw another kick? Ooh! How about a punch this time?" Mal sassed.

"Fine. How about this... Jay will come here to get Y/N, I will send one of my crew to go over there to get Harry" Uma suggested.

Mal's eyes turned bright green but nods her head. Jay moved forward and Uma shoved me towards him.

Jay immediately cut the ropes around my wrist and took me towards the limo, Evie following behind us.

"Evie... Watch over Y/N, okay? Don't let anything happen to her" Jay said. Evie nods her head and we watched as Jay returned to the rest of the gang.

"What are you guys planning on?" I asked Evie as we sat inside the vehicle.

"We're getting you out of here" was all Evie replied before adding, "This was a huge mistake. This fight is between us and Uma, she had no right to drag you into this"


"Harry... I know. We know. Uma has feelings for Harry and she doesn't like seeing you with him" she interrupted me.

"Will they be alright?" I asked, my voice filled with worry. "They'll be fine" Evie assured me.

I kept turning around to look at the tube like opening which leads to Uma's ship until I saw a couple of shadows and soon my friends came running out.

Ben's POV

I watched as Jay grabbed Y/N and dragged her out and away from the fight with Evie following behind them. One of Uma's crew got Harry and when Harry was on Uma's ship, he simply smirks and said, "I'm sorry" before destroying the ropes (fake ropes) that were tied around his wrist. He threw Uma's sword aside and went into a fighting position.

"So this is how it's going to be? You going against your captain" Uma scoffed. "This wasn't suppose to end this way if you hadn't touched Y/N" Harry answered.

"But she hurt you! She chose Frost boy over you!" Uma defended. I looked at Eliot to see him glaring at Uma. Magic is forbidden in the isle but that doesn't stop Eliot's powers. There were a small amount of snowflakes falling from the sky because of Eliot. If he gets angry too much, his powers will go crazy

"All because you tricked me. You tricked us! For what? To get me back?" Harry screamed. Uma's crew didn't bother to make a move to get in between Uma and her ex first mate.

"She doesn't love you, Harry! She doesn't love you like I do!" Uma said and I swore I saw a tear slip from her eye but she was quick to wipe it off.

"Uma, I don't love you! Or at least, my feelings for you were not the same as they used to!" Harry replied, "If you really do love me, you have to let me go"

Uma's eyes softened. "You really do love her, don't you?"

"With all my heart and soul" Harry answered.


I looked at Eliot to see a look of sadness in him. I can tell he has feelings for Y/N but after a confession like that from Harry, he knows he has to let her go.

Uma sighed and nods her head. Harry slowly puts his sword down and Uma pulled Harry in his arms. "I'm so sorry, Harry"

"It's alright, Uma"

He gave us a thumbs up and we all sighed.

Mal walked towards Uma's ship first to make sure this was all real. "You good now, Uma?" she asked.

The daughter of Ursula nods her head. "I'm sorry. Again. I'm sorry that I hated you you guys and practically did everything in my power to destroy you. I'm sorry I kidnapped Ben and Y/N" she apologized.

"It's fine Uma" Mal said. She and Uma shook hands as a sign of peace and acquaintances. "Will you be coming back to Auradon?" Mal asked.

"No. Auradon's not the place for me. Well, for now, at least. Tell Y/N that I'm sorry" Uma said. "Why don't you tell her that yourself?" I questioned.

Harry held Uma's wrist and we all led her though the tube opening and towards the limousine. Evie got out of the car with Y/N.

Y/N's eyes widen when she saw Uma with us. "Let's leave them alone for a bit, okay?" Mal said.

Evie nods her head and we all left Uma with my sister.


Hey guys!!

So I'm sad to say that this story is coming to a close. I only have 2-4 chapters left to publish and then this story will be over.

What do you think will happen? Will you and Harry have a happy ending? Or will Harry let you go to be with someone so that you'll be happy?

Vote.. Comment.. Follow..

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