Chapter 6

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I didn't see Harry at school the whole day. It made me worry, what happened to him?

When my last class of the day ended, I packed my books and sprinted out of the door to avoid having discussions with the teachers. I ran to my locker and put my books inside, grabbed my red Bose speakers and shoved it in my bag. I remembered me and Harry have to perform a song in class next week.

I looked inside my locker and saw my drawing of a hook. A few days ago, I found myself getting bored in French class and then I started sketching. When my masterpiece was done, it was even I realize that I drew a hook. I was still proud of what I did so I stick it to my locker using one of my magnets. And when I looked at my black and white drawing, Harry was the first thing that popped in my head.

Did I purposely draw Harry's hook? Or is it just a coincidence?

I touched the hook and smiled a little.

The door of my locker suddenly closed, which made me step back and say a curse word under my breath. "Hey baby girl" I looked up to see Chad Charming.

I groaned. Let's just say that he used to flirt with me during grade school and he hasn't stopped until now. "What do you want?" I asked. "Wanna go on a date with me?" Chad smirked.

"Even if you're the last person on Earth, I still wouldn't go on a date with you" I said. "Oh come on sweetheart" Chad pleaded. "No!" I insisted.

"Hey Chad. Fencing practice" Jay appeared out of nowhere and I mentally started thanking him.  "See Chad? You're late at practice... Again! That's the third time this week!" I dramatically exclaimed.

Chad sighs, grabbed his bag and left to go to their fencing practice. "Thanks Jay" I said to the son Jafar. "Anytime" he smiled and I gave him a high five.

I was happy Jay helped me with Chad. To be honest, they still have twenty minutes before practice starts.

I ran to Harry and Gil's dorm and knocked  on the door. I opened it and walked inside to see Harry laying down on the bed, gangsta covering his face.

Gil was not inside so he's probably taking Real Goodness class. I closed the door and tiptoed towards Harry, take his hat off his face and was greeted by his light blue eyes and sly smirk.

"What are you doing here?" he spoke. "You weren't in school today and I got worried" I said, placing his hat back on his face and sat down on the bed.

He takes the hat off and sat up. "You were worried about me?" he asked. I nod, "Yeah. Gil even asked me if I did something that made you stay in bed all day" I chuckled.

"Well if you're wondering, no you didn't do anything. I don't feel like going to school today" Harry mumbled. I cross my legs and faced him. "Are you feeling okay?" I touched his forehead to see if he's having a fever, which he doesn't.

"I'm fine, love" he assured me. "Aside from checking up on me, why are you here?"

"I got bored... Plus we have sing a song in music class, remember?" I reminded. Harry groaned, "Why? I can easily escape those homework's if I was in Dragon Hall" he complained.

I grabbed my laptop from my bag and opened it. "Come on. We have to think of a song" I said.

I typed my password and went straight to my music files before connecting my laptop to my speakers.

We tried on different genres, different languages (which we easily gave up) and different artists. I blasted almost all of my songs, from both my laptop and my phone, but we still couldn't think of anything.

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