Chapter 29

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Evie's POV

After throwing our swords in the trunk of the black limousine, everyone jumped inside.

Ben offered the drive the vehicle across the see to the isle. I sat beside Mal with Carlos on my other side. Eliot looks out the window while lightly playing with his powers. I can tell he's a nervous wreck.

Gil and Harry are nervous as well. Coming back to the isle was the last thing on their list. We know how they felt when we had to go back to get Mal.

Also, Dizzy stayed in Auradon to cover is when someone asks why we're not there. We can't let King Adam and Queen Belle find out their daughter has been kidnapped.

"You okay, Harry?" I asked. Mal, Jay, Ben and Eliot are practically mad at him for doing something stupid but I tried to be nice even though I was also mad at him for doing so. Carlos is on my side.

"I don't know honestly" Harry replied. "Why not?" I questioned. "I just don't. It's my fault and I'm pretty sure Uma wants something if she's using Y/N as bait" Harry sighed.

He knows Uma more than anyone else...

When we crossed the barrier, we hid the limo under a couple of dirty towels and tarpaulins we found around the street.

"Where to?" Gil questioned. "To our apartment. We'll make the first move in the morning" Man said. "What?!?" both Eliot and Harry hissed.

"We can't just barge in there without a plan. We have to think of something tonight and move out tomorrow" I pointed out. I pat Mal's shoulder in an assuring way. She glares at Harry and growled before stomping to our apartment, throwing a rock towards the sign.

The door opens and everyone ran up the stairs towards our room. "You guys can either take any rooms you like or crash into mine and Evie's room" Mal said. Carlos and Jay cleared their throats.

"Okay... Looks like you guys are gonna have to take another room" I added, seeing Carlos and Jay pulling out their sleeping bags they left in our apartment in case they need a place to crash.

Mal laid down on her bed and looked out the window.

I watched as Ben, Gil and Harry left our room. Immediately, when the door was closed, Jay locked the door. May immediately tore her princess clothes off and underneath in her badass isle outfit. She picked up her bag and made her way towards the window.

"Be careful out there, M" I told her. "I will, E. Keep an eye on them for me, alright?" Mal ordered.

"You got it, Mal" Carlos said. We watched as Mal jumped off the building and ran through the streets.

"Why do I get the feeling she's gonna need our help?" I asked the other two guys. "Don't worry. Mal can take care herself. She knows the island more than anyone else" Jay said.

"And besides... Mal said that if she's not back within two hours, then we're running after her" Carlos adds.

Mal's POV

I tugged my jacket and backpack tighter against my body as I walked around the Isle. This is one of my nightly routines. Just walking around the isle.

I've recently cut my bangs and my hair turned into a lighter shade of purple so I hope no one recognizes me.

I pulled the hoodie of my purple jacket over my head and stuffed my hands in my pocket.

I made my way to the sick where I found Uma's ship. I quietly climbed on board and sneaked into one of the rooms and immediately found myself in their cell room.

"Y/N?" I whispered. I looked at each cell, trying to look for the (H/C) haired girl. I also tried to stay light on my feet so the ground won't creek. "Y/N?" I whispered once more.

I stopped by the last cell and finally found her. She's leaning against the wall and her outfit's a mess.

"Y/N" I held onto the bars as she looked around. "Mal? Mal!" she whispered and went towards me and held my hand (A/N: Is it so bad that I want to make a Mal x Reader story? I have a huge girl crush on Dove Cameron since Liv And Maddie and I've been planning to make a story. Let me know what you guys think)

"Oh my God! What happened? What have they done to you?" I whispered. "Nothing... For now. Just like last time, they're using me as bait. Unfortunately Uma has feelings for Harry and she wants him all for herself... You know that crap" she groaned.

"Don't worry. Everyone's here and we're gonna a bust you out. Just hold on for a little bit longer. We're coming for you" I promised.

Y/N nods her head.

The door opened, "Is anyone down there?" a voice asked. "Fuck" I cursed. "I'll come back, okay?" I told her. I kissed her forehead through the bars and ran. I found another exit and jumped out, landing on the dock.

I sprinted back to our apartment and climbed up the wall and to Evie's room.

"Guys" I hissed. Carlos screamed and fell off my bed.

Evie and Jay looked at the window to see me. "So? What happened?" Evie questioned as she helped me inside.

"They locked Y/N inside a cell under their ship. Apparently, Uma's in love with Harry" I explained.

"Oh God" Evie breathed out. "Uma's mad because Y/N and Harry are dating so she's using Y/N as bait?" Carlos cleared out as he sits on a chair. "To what? To get Harry to join her crew again?" Jay joked but it wasn't funny for us.

My eyes widen as we all looked at Jay with the look of realization.

"Jay, you're a genius!" I declared.

Jay gave me a confused look. "What did I do?"
"Okay" I clapped my hands. "Here's the plan..."


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Here's an updated chapter, hope you guys like it.

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