Chapter 31

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"No... Please no" I whispered as I grabbed Evie's hand so she won't leave me. "I'm sorry Y/N" Evie whispered and she gently kissed my forehead. I pouted and watched as the others disappeared in the corner. I got out of the limo, slammed the door close and leaned against the side of the car. I tilted my head to signal Uma to continue talking.

"Look, Y/N... I'm so sorry, and I mean it this time" Uma spoke, playing with her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows, "I get it,  Uma. You're into Harry... I can't compete with that cause you'll always be his first love" I scoffed.

"How'd you know that?"

"I'm friends with four VK's. Of course I'd know" I shrugged. "All I'm saying is.... You should've seen how much Harry really likes you before. You missed it now that he's running after me, no offense"

"I know, Y/N. I guess I wanted to prove that I don't need anyone... And I kind of liked the attention cause honestly, Harry follows me around like a puppy, doing everything I say" Uma sighs.

"Don't treat him like that, Harry's a great guy and we may have dates for a while now but I can clearly see how lucky a girl is to have someone like Harry" I mumbled. "He deserves someone better"
"Come on, Y/N. Don't say that" Uma mumbled, grabbing my hand. "It's true. He can do so much better, he may have changed in Auradon but I can't help but feel that he can do so much better. I feel like I'm holding him back" I replied.

"You like Frost too, huh?" the daughter of Ursula raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ugh!!! Yes okay? I'm in love with two great guys and I don't know what to do!!" I screamed and kicked a bucket of water and groaned. "I never should've dragged Eliot into this mess"

"Who do you love more?" Uma asked. I looked at her. Well this is new, just a few hours ago she was about to kill me and now we're having this talk. 

"I don't know" I mumbled.

*Time Skip*

After crossing the bridge back to Auradon, I immediately ran to my room and locked myself inside.

We finally left the isle and we decided to leave Uma there since she obviously belongs there. I couldn't look at the gang when we were on our way back home, I just couldn't.

Ben tried to get me to talk to them but I just either stare at him with a blank expression or not look at him at all. Mal did the same in hope that I'd give in a talk to her but I built my walls up.

My conversation with Uma kept coming back to me. It bothered me that I have no idea where my heart belongs.

I love both Harry and Eliot, which is why I wish I never did. Being stuck in a love triangle is worse than solving an actual triangle in Geometry class.

I know I should let one go, but I don't know who. I love Eliot and it's obvious that he likes me, if I turn him down things will get awkward between us and I don't want to ruin our friendship. Harry, on the other hand, I still like him but I don't know if my feelings would go one for much longer.

I sat on my bed, staring into place while running a hand through my hair occasionally. I sighed.

Someone knocked on the door which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Come in" I mumbled.

The door opened and Carlos walked inside with Dude running behind him. "Hey"

"Hey" I waved. "How are you? You've not said a word since we got here" Carlos replied while sitting beside me. "If the others sent you here to get me to talk, then tell them I'm alive - well barely - but the point is, tell them that I'm alright" I snapped.

I caught a glimpse of hurt in his eyes which immediately made me regret saying those words.

"No one sent me here actually" Carlos mumbled. "Look I'm sorry I snapped. I'm just not in the mood to do anything... I just want to be alone" I admitted.

"Did something happen? Did Uma say something that made you upset?"

Carlos is my closest friend - all four VK's actually - but he is like a little brother to me. Whenever I have problems, I talk to him first before approaching Ben. He gives great advices and he's really fun.

"I have feelings for both Harry and Eliot" I whispered.

"Holy hotdogs!!" Dude screamed in shock. I forgot he's here with us.

"Dude!!" Carlos said, glaring at the little fur ball. Dude playfully whimpered.

I giggled. They are the complete duo.

"Who do you like more, Y/N?" Carlos asked. "I don't know! I like Eliot but I don't want to ruin our friendshio and I also like Harry but I can feel that my feelings for him are slowly slipping away" I whined.

Dude hopped on my lap and looked at me. "Listen Y/N... Think about it, okay? Think about whoever truly makes you happy. Is it frosty or hook-y?" he says, "And I'm pretty sure the other will understand. But if they don't, then they don't deserve someone like you"

"Damn" Carlos breathed out. "Dude's better at giving advices than you now Carlos" I joked.

"Hey!!!" he pouts. I laughed and gave him a hug to which Dude squeezed himself between us. "Thanks" I smiled and oat Dude's head and ruffled Carlos' hair.

"I need a hug from you though Carlos" I said. Carlos agreed and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

After a little while, both of them left my dorm and I'm all alone again.

I thought about Harry and Eliot. Dude's right... I have to choose one of them. And it's obvious that someone's going to get hurt, but they have to accept my decision if they really do care about me.


Hey guys!!! Sorry if I have updated in a while!

So the rest chapter will consist of you admitting your feelings to whoever it is that you chose.

Who do you want Y/N to end up with?





Comment down your answers. The guy who gets the most votes will win!!


PS: Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks.

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