Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

"Do you think he's okay?"

"The real question here is: do you think he's still alive?"

"Of course he's alive, Mal! Don't be like that!"

"Just trying to make a point here"

I heard voices argue which interrupted my slumber. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, but immediately closed it when I was greeted by the shiny light above me.

I groaned. "He's moving... He's moving!"

"Great! I'm going, I gotta find my sister"

When those words left, u got the courage to finally open my eyes, ignoring the pain that's jolting all throughout my body. I looked around to see everyone.

"What happened?" I asked.

Jay approached me with a glass of water, "Drink up man. We'll fill you in with every detail"

I sipped my water and didn't realize I've finished everything in one gulp.

Evie nudged Mal forward and she pushed Ben towards my bed. "What?" I asked.

"Well... You were unconscious for three days" Ben began. My eyes widen, "Three days?! Holy fuck"

"That-That's not the problem here" Ben interrupted me. "The next day, we found you on the floor. We checked the security cameras and it turns out the night before, someone kidnapped Y/N"

"Y/N? Who? Who would dare do something?"

"We have no idea, Hook. We thought you knew something" Eliot Frost said. Everyone looks at him who has his arms crossed over his chest.

Evie sighed and turned to look at me. "You don't know who would do something like this to Y/N?" she asked.

Mal simply scoffed, as if she doesn't want to be here.

Then everything clicked!

"Uma" I whispered. Everyone looks at me.

"Uma" I repeated. "I'm a could have kidnapped Y/N! We had a huge fight the other night. She was so angry when she found out I was with Y/N"

Ben sighs. "I knew I had a bad feeling about this"

"Well? What are we waiting for? We have to go save her!" Eliot says as he is ready to leave.

"No! The isle is too dangerous. Especially when I'm a knows what happened the last time we were there. We have to think of a plan first. We can just barge in there without any back-up" Mal interjected.

Eliot sighs. "So what's the plan? We need to get her back"

Ben pats his shoulder, "I know it hurts man. But you gotta calm down, we can't work if you keep panicking"

Eliot sighs and sat on a chair by the corner of the room.

"So what's the plan?" Carlos asked.

"Something that we missed the last time we were there" Mal replied and we all gathered around my bed to think of a plan.


I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I felt sick, like I'm about to throw up. I looked around, expecting to see the shiny sun but instead, I saw a complete darkness. I felt around my surroundings and realize I'm inside a cage, more like behind a cell.

I sighed and tried sitting up but once I felt pain shot throughout my body, I immediately fell back on the floor. I groaned.

I heard a door opening and closing and footsteps getting closer. I laid back down, thinking that I might as well die here.

"Well well... She's finally awake" I turn my head and saw Uma. I groaned, "What do you want from me? Where am I?"

"That's not important now" Uma says while pacing in front of my cell. "You're far from home, which means you won't be anywhere near Harry"

I rolled my eyes. "I stopped caring about Harry after he left me for you. Don't you get it? We had a perfect relationship when everyone thought you were gone, or worse, dead. But then you showed up out of no where and guess what? He forgot about me, he left me. All because of you. Can't you see? He's in love with you! Not me" I hissed.

Uma's eyes softened for a second but I brushed it off.

"Guess he was just using me as a rebound to try and get over you. He failed the moment you came to Auradon" I added and turn around to not see her pity me.

"I'm just starting to accept the fact that no one really is going to love me. I'll never be like Ben where he gets the girls of his dreams. I'm probably gonna wait for the moment when Ben is ready to step down from the throne and mom and dad are gonna a have to find me a suitable husband" I mumbled.

The room was silent for a moment.

"Y/N...." I heard Uma say but she was interrupted when her mother called her name. I heard her footsteps disappear and I'm all alone.

I sighed and leaned against the wall, my eyes slowly fluttering close until I was asleep again.

Uma's POV

I ran upstairs and listened to my mom scold me before I took off again. I ran to my ship to get a perfect view of Auradon.

I guess you can tell that I did like Harry. He was my first mate, and yeah, I did use him for a bit before but I didn't notice how much he cares about me. That's probably what ticked and I'm having a crush on him.

When I saw him and Y/N at Auradon, it angered me and I knew I had to find a way to separate them. I admit that it did help when Eliot was there and soon enough, Frosty and Y/N are hanging out and she eventually forgot Harry.

But Hook didn't. He talks about Y/N over and over again and the recent fight we had, I knew I was loosing him again. That's why I injected some potion inside Y/N and brought her to the Isle.

I also knocked Harry out with a brick and left him by the halls. The others are obviously gonna find him and take him to the nurse or some bullshit like that.

After hearing Y/N confess about Harry left me wondering. Does Harry actually like me? Was he really using Y/N as a rebound? Or did he actually moved on from me and love Y/N and was just being nice the first few days I arrived?

Does Harry like both Y/N and I?


The next chapter will consist of Mal and the other VK's arriving at the Isle.

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