Chapter 23

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It's been a week since Mal and the gang told me about Harry. Whenever I see him with Uma, my whole world stopped.

I mean, we haven't been up get, right? Sure we had an argument but that doesn't mean we're over. So we're technically still together and yet he kissed someone. Not just someone but someone he's been in love with, someone from the isle.

I haven't talked to Harry since we had that argument. I didn't plan to.


"Harry Hook is cheating on you" Mal said. My whole world stopped.

I admit that he drove me nuts when we broke up, but that doesn't me I stopped caring about him. That I stopped loving him.

I sat on Evie's bed. The gang stopped talking and stared at me, sorry filled their eyes. Heck, Mal is already crying.

Evie approached me and gave me a hug. "H-How could me... We just had a small argument, and he will... Do that to me?" I cried.

Evie hugged me tighter and kissed my temple a few times. Mal sat beside me as well and hugged me.

"I know that we fought and it was intense, but does that mean we're over? Does that argument gave him the signal to go after someone else?" I cried.

Dude finally stands from the floor and sits on my lap. I pat his head.

"That's it. Where's Hook? I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind" Jay growled. He was about to leave the room with Carlos but Mal stopped him. "Boys! Stop!"

"What do you mean stop? Mal, he broke Y/N's heart! No one has the right to do that and get away that easily!" Carlos said. "It'll make things worse. We could get in trouble for attacking students" Mal said.

Carlos sighed. Jay looks hesitant but stays. "What do you want us to do? Send death threats? Kick him off the team? What?" Carlos asked.

I blew my nose into the handkerchief that I brought with me. "You don't need to do anything, guys. It's all good" I mumbled.

"We're always here for you, Y/N" Dude said. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I might as well bite that fucktard" he adds.

We laughed at him. "Language, dude" Carlos scolded. Dude barked at him.

*End Of Flashback*

Today, I'm having science class with Harry and Uma. Our teacher assigned us for a project and she's picking out the partners.

"Next we have Uma and Gil" the teacher announced the partners. Uma groaned but sat by Gil.

"Next is Harry and Y/N" my eyes widen.

No no no no no

I glanced behind me to see Harry picking his stuff. I looked in front, seeing Evie and Jay giving me worried looks.

I mentally curses the teacher. When Harry placed his stuff on the table, Evie cried out, "Ugh! You're so annoying! Why were we partners again?!" she said while giving Jay an annoyed look.

Evie motioned him to play along. "Me? The last time we were partners, you kept using your make up!" Jay said.

"You were busy polishing your trophies!" Evie defended herself.

"Enough fighting! You two won't work on anything if you fight. What do you want to do?" the teacher approached Evie and Jay's table.

"Switch partners" Evie answered.

The teacher sighed. "Okay fine, but just this once. Pick a classmate"

Within a blink of an eye, Evie grabbed her bag and left Jay's table. Just as Harry was about to sit down, Evie pushed him off the stool along with his books and sits beside me.

(A/N: I have a huge girl crush on Evie/Sofia Carson okay?!)

Harry groaned from floor. He stands up and gives me a hurtful look. "Sorry Hook Y/N's mine now" Evie said.

Harry picks up his stuffs and sits beside Jay. Jay then glares at Evie for doing this to him.

I leaned my head against Evie's shoulder and smiled at her. "Thanks"

"You're welcome baby girl" she kissed my forehead and carried on to listening to the teacher.

When class was over, Evie and I discussed our project and decided to work in my room. On our way out, Jay stopped us by the door. "You left me with Hook?" he pouts.

"Sorry Jay. You know that we have to protect our baby girl from that bastard" Evie said. "You should've told me that was your plan" Jay said and walked with us to the cafeteria.

Class isn't over yet but we wanted to get some food. "I didn't know the teacher was going to get Harry and Y/N together" Evie defended.

"Are you sure you're okay with working with him?" I refused to use his name. "Please. I'm ready to do anything just to keep you away from that guy" Jay nods at me.

I gave him and Evie and right hug. "Thanks you guys. Don't worry, I'm buying you lunch today"

We made it to the cafeteria and found Mal and Ben.

"Hey guys" we greeted them. "Hey" they replied. "Y/N I'm sorry about Harry. Our science teacher told me that she's partnering you with him. How did it go?" Ben immediately said.

"It's all good, Ben. Evie faked a fight with Jay so the teacher told her to pick anyone she wants to be her new partner" I explained.

"So Evie picked you and that leaves with Harry and Jay" Mal smirked. "I can handle him. He's just shrimpy's first mate. He can't beat me. I could just steal his hook and use it against him" Jay said.

"We got your back, Y/N. There's got to be an explanation why Harry did that" Ben said as he tries to pick up a positive aura in the group.

"Yeah I hope so" I mumbled.


I made a Lauren Jauregui X Reader X Sofia Carson story if you guys are interested.

The title is Torn Between Two Stars.

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