Chapter 16

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"Oh my God! That's great news, Y/N" mom says. She walks towards us and gives me a tight hug and kissed my cheek.

I gave Harry a confused look but with a small smile. "Welcome to the family Harry" dad says.

He gives Harry one of the "bro hugs". "Thank you sir. And thank you for the invitation" Harry politely says.

"It was no big deal son. Welcome" dad says. We took a sit and started eating dinner.

"So how long have you been dating?" dad asks. "Not too long dad" I replied. "At least you found someone other than that Chad kid" mom mumbled. All eyes looked at her, "No offense, Ben and Jay. I know he's in your team and all, but he can be annoying sometimes"

"You don't have to tell me twice" I said, eating my lasagna. "You two are going to the ball together?" dad asked.

That's when I remembered we do have a ball dance!

"My dress!!" me and Mal said at the same time.

I stood up and grabbed Mal's arm, taking Dizzy with us. We already ate half of our food so I guess that's enough. "Well be leaving now mom, dad. Thank for dinner!" I called out. I kissed Harry's cheek, Mal does the same to Ben before we ran to Mal and Evie's room.

"Evie!!" we screamed. "Oh my goodness! How's dinner? Why do you guys look so sweaty? Your mascara's running off" Evie said.

"The ball! We have no dresses" I shrieked. Evie's eyes widen, "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about the dance! Come on let me measure you guys" Evie dragged me first and she took her measuring tape out.

*Time Skip*

I stayed with Evie and Mal in their room last night. Dizzy stayed with Evie in her bed, I was in Mal's bed.

In the middle of the night, I notice the bed felt empty. I opened my eyes and found Mal's side of the bed empty. I looked at the bathroom, the lights were turned off. I sat up and looked around the room buy didn't find my purple haired friend. "What the hell?"

I grabbed my black jacket and wore it before leaving the room. I wondered around the halls, looking for Mal.

When I was walking by then garden, I heard rustling noises. "Hello?"

I took a few more steps and found Mal. She was crouching in front of a bush. I placed a hand on her shoulder and she turns around, hand on her chest.

"Oh my Auradon, Y/N! You scared me" she says, gasping for air. I giggled, "Sorry. You left the room so I looked for you"

"Sorry" she whispered. "What were you doing out here?" I asks. "Oh... I uhm... I left something out here. But I realized I can't find it cause it's dark" Mal said, "But I was just about to head back"

I nod, "Well come on. Let's go" I said. Me and Mal walked back to our room together.

We both fell asleep again.

We woke up at the sound of Dizzy shrieking our names and jumping up and down on our beds. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" she sing-songed along with Evie. "No" Mal groaned wrapping her arms around me.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Mal and we hugged each other. "We're too cool for school"

Evie scoffed, "Tonight's the ball! We have no school!"

We didn't move. Evie groaned and tore the blankets off of us. "Up up now ladies. It's 10:00 in the morning!" she said, clapping her hands together.

Me and Mal groaned but stood up. "Now me and Dizzy are gonna go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast and after that we'll get the finishing touches done see ya" Evie says then she and Dizzy left the room.

I groaned. "Well I'm gonna take a long relaxing shower" Mal says. I nod my head.

When Mal is in the bathroom, someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Harry. "Oh hey Harry" I said. I immediately covered my mouth, bad breath.

I rushed to Evie's table to find some breath mints. I popped one in my mouth and turned around to see Harry laughing at me. "Glad my un-prepared hygiene amused you" I sarcastically said while crossing my arms.

He stopped laughing, "I'm sorry I'm sorry" Harry opens his arms and wait for me to dive into them.

I was about to, but stopped when I heard Mal shriek from inside the bathroom. "Did I just hear Harry apologize?" she asked.

"Yeah!" I replied. I smiled at my boyfriend and hugged him back. I pecked his lips, "I love you"

"I love you too, doll" Harry said, playing with my hair.

"So tonight is the ball" he began. "And it's pretty late but I haven't formally asked you this but" Harry rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

I smiled. "Of course Harry. I would be honored"

Harry wraps his arms around me and spun me around. I shrieked in shock, "Oh my God! Harry put me the fuck down!!"

"Sorry" he says, setting me down on the ground.

Harry smashed his lips against mine. The kiss was slow and passionate. I instantly melted against the kiss.

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer to him. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you so much" Harry whispered in between the passionate kisses he's giving me.

"I love you too Harry" I replied.

What shocked me is when he suddenly pushed me down on Mal's bed and climbed on top of me. Harry started kissing my neck, biting and sucking every spot he can.

I moaned in pleasure and smiled.

"Oh my God!! Y/N not on my bed!!!!"

Mal used her magic and there was some force that pulled Harry away from me and out of the room. "I'll see you tonight baby girl!" Harry called out. Mal closed the door and stared at me in disbelief.

I gave her a sly smile, "Hey Mal. How was the shower?"

*Time Skip*

Hours after hours, Evie is now getting our make up done.

"You're all done!" Evie says, taking a few steps back. She did my make up while Dizzy did my hair.

Evie, Dizzy and Mal squealed. "You look awesome!" they said. "Thank you. You guys look great too" I smiled. Evie skipped to her walk in closet and came back with our dresses.

Mal's dress is colored purple, Evie's dress is blue, Dizzy's dress is green and mine is red.

The dresses fits us perfectly. "Thank you so much Evie and Dizzy. I love this so much" I said. "You're welcome Y/N" Dizzy said and hugged me.

Evie and Mal joined in. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that ruined our moment. "Curse you" Mal mumbled.

Evie playfully smacked Mal's arm as Dizzy ran to open the door. On the other side, there stood our dates. All of them wearing tux.

Doug approached Evie, Ben hugged Mal as Harry kissed me with a smirk. "Damn you look good" he whispered.

"I can say the same to you hot stuff" I replied. "Are you guys ready?" Ben asked.

"Yeah" we all shouted. Ben led us outside where the limo is waiting.

The party is just a few miles away from Auradon.

I sat beside Harry and snuggled closer to him. He kissed my forehead and the rest of the ride was filled with laughs and talks.


Hey guys!

It's been a while since I last updated this story.


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