Chapter 21

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When class was over, Eliot and I skipped classes and left school. We explored the whole area of the island, reminiscing memories.

I avoided Harry for the whole time. I knew he wants to talk to me, but I can't right now. I can't even look at Harry.

And besides, I miss hanging out with Eliot. We jumped in his motorbike and drove around the island. We reached a little pool and decided to stay there and talk.

The view is breathtaking. The rainbow reflects the pool, creating colorful lights. Colorful birds and different animals can be found around the area. A small deer approached us and I couldn't help but pet it's head. The mother approached us too and sat beside us.

Eliot laughs at me and snaps a picture. "Even animals love you" he says. "You love me more" I smiled. "That is correct" he says and takes me in his arms. We fed the deer with grasses and occasionally patting and stroking them.

"Can I keep them in my dorm room?" I cooed. "You have a bunny and a puppy in your room. Isn't that enough?" Eliot laughs.

I forgot to tell you, I do have pets in my room. My bunny's name is Snowflake, she has white fur and blue eyes. The bunny was Eliot's gift for me on my 14th birthday. My puppy's name is Jesse, he has light brown fur and black eyes. He was a gift from mom, dad and Ben last year. So I got the bunny first before I got the puppy.

They're both my babies.

"But they're so cute" I cooed, patting the baby deer's head. The doe licked my other hand.

"That's what you said when you receive the bunny and the pup" Eliot jokes. I pout, "Fine"

We played with the creatures around us while talking and laughing. Eliot makes me so happy right now. Probably because we're best friends and he knows me better than anyone.

Eliot, Carlos and Jay are my guy best friends while Mal and Evie are my girl best friends.

"We sure did a good job in music class" he smiled. "Haha I know! The song is amazing. I am so happy we were partners" I replied.

"Come on. We're partners in crime" he smirked. I was quiet when I remember Harry saying our relationship is more like a partners in crime relationship.

"D-Did I say something wrong?" Eliot asked, sensing my sudden change of mood. "No. I just remembered Harry. I love him too much and now seeing him with Uma.... I don't know anymore. I don't know if he still has feelings for me" I mumbled.

Eliot takes my hand in his and looks into my eyes. "If he does plan to break up with you, I'm willing you fix your broken heart and fill his space"

I smiled and leaned forward, pecking his cheek. "Thanks"

"Anytime darling"

Mal's POV

By the end of the hallway, I saw Y/N and Eliot Frost slip classes. Probably out to have some best friend moment.

I shrugged it off and opened my locker. After getting my books, I slammed it shut and was shocked to see Ben. "Hi"

"Oh, holy Maleficent! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I punched his shoulder. "Sorry Mal. I was wondering if you happen to see Y/N in class somewhere" Ben apologizes.

"Yeah. I just saw her with that Frost kid"



Ben nods. "What's up with you? You've been all moody these past few days"

"Nothing. I'm just worried. Ever since Uma arrived Auradon, Y/N and Harry's relationshio went downhill. Harry's more focused on Uma now" I answered.

"They'll figure it out. If they're not meant for each other, then maybe that's what the universe wants. They might find someone else for them in the future" Ben suggested. "But can you at least talk to Y/N? I'm really worried about her" I begged.

"What about you?"

"I'm gonna talk to Harry. Y'know, villain-to-villain talk" I smirked. "Okay fine" Ben sighs.

I kissed his cheek and ran off the find Harry.

I passed by Evie and Dizzy. "Hey Mal!" Dizzy greets. "Hey guys. Where are you off to?" I asked.

"Getting coffee from Starbucks" Evie replied. (A/N: Let's pretend Auradon has Starbucks).

"Evie wants me to try out all the cakes in Starbucks" Dizzy cheered. "Awesome. E, will you please bring me a cup of coffee as well?" I asked, handing her twenty bucks.

"Sure" Evie and Dizzy were about to leave but they stopped. "Wait" Evie turns around to look at me. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere" I lied. "No. You were in a hurry, which means you want to go somewhere" Evie knows me better than anyone.

"Ugh" I groaned. "Fine, I was looking for Harry. I need to talk to him about Y/N"

"Oh! I think I saw him with Uma by the fountain" Evie said. "What did Harry do to Y/N?" Dizzy jumped in. 

"That's what I'm going to find out. I want answers from him" I said, running a hand through my purple hair.

"We'll come with you" Evie said. "Yeah! The cakes and coffee can wait" Dizzy adds. We then took off to the fountain near the entrance to look for Harry.

While walking I explained to them Harry and Y/N's relationship. "Oh my Auradon. Why would Harry do such a thing?" Evie says.

I looked at her, " “Oh my auradon”? Really Evie?" I said.

She simply shrugs. We continued walking until we saw the fountain.

"There they.... Are" Dizzy says but immediately stops. "What's wrong Dizzy?" I asked.

Evie was froze in her spot as well, shocked.

"What are you all---" I stopped talking when I saw Harry and Uma... Kissing.

"Oh" Dizzy said. "My" Evie continued. "God" I finished.


Hey guys!

So sorry I wasn't able to update!

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