Chapter 3

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What the hell did I just say?

Who am I kidding, of course I think he's cute, I would be lying to myself if I said he's not attractive.

"What? Did I say that? No, I meant you would be perfect for the team" I said, laughing a bit. Harry's smirk still hasn't left his face which made me face Jay. "Jay, you have openings for the game right?"

He nod his head.

"Add Harry, also Gil. They're in, if coach doesn't agree, tell him I'll fire him myself" I said. Jay nods his head and writes it down.

I smiled at Harry, "There you go"

Harry shook his head while chuckling. We ate while we talk, mostly Mal, Evie Carlos and Jay are talking to Harry, Gil and Dizzy about the isle.

I just listened to them. If you ask me if I've been to the Isle Of The Lost, the answer is no. I found out that Ben was captured when I caught Carlos and Jay 3D printing Fairy Godmother's wand. I threatened them to tell me the truth and they admitted everything.

I begged them to take me but they said Ben wouldn't want me to be there because of the danger.

The bell rang and we returned our trays before walking to our lockers. I opened my locker and grabbed my music notebook. I waited for Harry since we both have music as our next subject.

"Ready?" I asked him when he closed his locker. "Yeah" he answered.

While we're walking through the halls, a few students are looking at us, some were glaring.

I ignored it because to be honest even without Harry, I've been getting glares. Why? Because others said I don't deserve to be Ben's sister. I'm not much of a princess type to become the next ruler of Auradon.

I've been getting more when I became friends with the VK's on their first day of school here.

I told Mal about this and she told Ben, then Ben announced that whoever treats me differently will get detention for two days.

Ben is always protective of me. He watches me all the time. I love him but he seriously has to stop doing that. I don't want others to think I can't defend myself or anything.

We reached the room and we sat down at the back. "Tell me something that you haven't told anyone yet" Harry said, turning his chair to properly face me.

"I hate being Ben's sister" I admitted. "What?" he laughed. "I hate it. I hate having body guards with me everywhere I go, I don't have privacy. Since I'm the youngest of the family mom, dad and Ben are so protective of me" I explained.

"I also hate the fact that I have to be Queen someday. Everybody expects me to be the perfect Queen, that I can rule Auradon ten times better than dad and Ben. Everyone pretty much controls my life, Y/N this, Y/N that and stuffs like that" I added. "Don't get me wrong I love Ben, mom and dad. I just can't live like this anymore. I don't want to be the queen everyone expects me to be. I'm still a teenager, I have a life to live, I want to explore new things. People have always looked at me and seen what they wanted to see, I don't want that anymore. Of course no gets me"

Harry placed his hand on top of mine. "I understand your pain, love. I'll always be here for you, whenever you need someone to talk to. I won't judge you, I won't tell this to Mal or Ben or anyone" he assured me with a smile.

God he looks more hot.

I smiled. "Thanks Harry. You're not as bad as everyone said you were"

"Well I do have two sisters back at the isle" he said. My eyes widen, "Now that's something the VK's didn't tell me"

"Not everyone in the isle knows. I have an older and a younger sister" Harry said. "My older sister is Harriet and the younger one is Cj"

"So you have a soft side for you sisters?" I asked. I find it cute when you have two siblings.

"No" he laughed. "We always fight, but I somewhat have a soft side for Cj since she's the youngest. Harriet, God I hate her. Just because she's the oldest, she gets to boss me around" Harry rolled his eyes which made me giggle.

"If you can switch parents who would it be?" Harry asked me.

"My parents would be.... Elsa and Jack Frost. They're son Elliot is like a brother to me, Elsa and Jack treated me like they're own daughter as well" I answered with a shrug. "You?"

"I don't want to switch parents. I'm proud to be one of the Hook family" he stated proudly. We both ended up laughing.

Mal's POV

I walked to class and passed by the music room to see Y/N and Harry laughing.

I hid behind the wall and watched them talk and laugh. It easily reminded me of Ben and I on our first date.

Y/N and Harry looks so cute for each other, they can be a couple.


I turn around to see Evie, Carlos and Jay walking towards me. I shushed them and pointed to where Y/N and Harry are seated.

"Holy Cruella" Carlos mumbled. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"What in the lamp is going on?" Jay spoke. "Is it just me or do any of you guys think they look like a couple" Evie smiled.

"I know right?! They look so cute for each other" I whispered. "I didn't expect Harry to act like this... Plus she's Ben's sister!"

"(your ship name with Harry)" I smiled. "I call to be the captain of the ship!"

"Awe! I wanna be the captain" she pouted.

Jay and Carlos cleared their throats, "Hello?"

"Oh right, yeah. What's up" I said casually. "Y/N and Harry? What are we gonna do?" Jay said.

"Nothing! We're gonna do nothing" Evie said. "Except, go with the flow" I said.

"Go with the flow? How?"

"We're gonna pretend we didn't saw whatever we just saw and see how it goes. In a few days we're gonna have some ‘serious talk’ with them" I smirked.

"Yeah!" they agreed. "So boys, you'll be taking Harry... Us girls are taking Y/N. If they won't admit anything, we'll switch" Evie said.

"If Harry won't say anything, I'm sure I can get him to open his mouth" I smiled, cracking my knuckles. Evie rolled her eyes at me. "Just don't scare the poor lad away, alright? Also you Jay" she said.
Jay raised his hands in defense. "Hey! If he does hurt Y/N I'll be the one who's gonna a kick his ass"

"Remember guys don't tell this to anyone, even Ben" Evie reminded. "Yes, especially not Ben" I added.

"But what if Ben finds out that we know something and we didn't tell him anything?" Carlos asked. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him" I assured them.

"So we're gonna pretend that we didn't see what we saw and never speak of this topic ever again?" Jay asked, to be clear. "Yeah... Well expect if it's just the four of us" I shrugged.

We agreed. We looked back inside the room to see Y/N and Harry still talking to each other. We smiled and went to class.

"Young love" I heard Evie sighed happily.


Hi guys!!!

Welcome to another chapter!


"Stay evil"

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