Chapter 9

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I opened my locker and was suprise to see a box of (your favorite chocolates) inside. I gasped and took the chocolates. There was also a note inside, I read it.

Dear Y/N,
I know you're probably curious as to who would send you these gifts. Well the thing is, I like you for a while and this is a way of expressing my feelings for you. I won't tell you who I am, but you'll find out soon.

I blushed. Who would send me this? Believe me, it's not my first time to receive gifts. I always throw the gifts I get before, but today something made me stop and decided to keep it. Whoever sent me this probably meant everything he said.

"Hey Y/N" I turn around and saw Evie and Jay. "Thanks for getting me in trouble" Jay mumbled. I giggled, "Anytime"

"Wait wait wait, who gave you these chocolates?" Evie asked, pointing to the box of (Y/F/C) in my hand. "I don't know. Someone left them in my locker, with this note" I gave them the note I received. Evie and Jay read it and smiled. "Someone likes you" Evie squealed happily.

"I hope it's not Chad though" I mumbled. "Oh please! Chad did everything to impress you, I'm sure he gave up already" Jay said. "After the flirting you saw yesterday? Yeah that's what you call ‘give up’" I sarcastically said.

Jay scoffed, "Sometimes I have no idea where the sarcasm came from. Ben's not like that"

"Oh stop it Jay. Anyways, who would give you chocolates? But whatever, it's too adorable!!" Evie squealed again, lightly shaking me due to excitement. "We should see whoever gives these to you" she adds.

"Pass, I don't wanna waste my time stalking whoever stalks me" I said. "I care! I'm doing it, then I'll tell you who is it. You're coming with me, Jay" Evie said. Jay was about to protest but Evie already dragged him through the halls to find whoever leaves me gifts. I chuckled and soon closed my locker. I shoved the box of chocolates in in my bag and went to class.

I texted Harry and told him I'm coming over to his dorm after school so we can practice our song.

I sat in class and zoned out again. My conversation with Carlos earlier was still in my head. I plugged me earphones in my phone and listened to my songs.

The first song that came is We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez.

I softly hummed through the song.

After an hour, class is over. I bumped into Chad while I was walking to my neck class. God, out of all the students in school why him?

"Hi baby girl" he smirked, leaning against the lockers. "Hey dick face" I snapped. He placed a hand over his chest, pretending to be hurt, "Ouch"

"Yeah it hurts a lot more if you back off please. I told you I'm not interested" I said. Chad was about to reply when Ben came. "She already told you Chad. Back off, I'm sure you don't want to see my sister crash and burn" he said, dragging Chad to class.

I sighed, "Please talk to him. I did everything I can to make him stop. He has Audrey, tell me why the hell did she leave?" I said. "I thought you hated Audrey. You're the one who gave her that free trip to Mexico, remember?" Ben chuckles.

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