Chapter 13

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Mal found out me and Harry are a thing. She kind of walks in my room when Harry and I are in a heated moment.

She obviously can't keep her mouth shut, she told the group. It soon reached Ben, and from Ben, everyone has heard of this news.

Now me and Harry are the most talked about couple. Even if Mal didn't caught us making out, it would probably be obvious since Harry's obviously can't keep his hands to himself.

During lunch, Harry waited for my by my locker since I always go to my locker before going to the cafeteria.

"Hi baby girl" he greets, pinning me against my locker and started kissing me. I smiled against the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His left hand is behind my head to deepen the kiss, his right is placed around my waist.

The kiss soon got heated as soon as Harry bit my bottom lip.

"Get a room!" someone shout causing us to pull away.

There stood Mal and Evie. Mal was obviously the one who yelled at us.

"Mal!" Evie scolded. "Oh my God Evie, you enjoyed watching them making out? I'm gonna lock you inside a room and you're gonna a have to watch them have sex" Mal said.

Evie sighed and them started squealing and jumping around. " I can't believe you two are finally together!"

I lightly pushed Harry away and opened my locker. "It's a dream come true" I heard Harry say.

I smacked his chest while laughing a bit.

I shoved my bag inside my locker and closed it again. I pecked Harry's cheek before running to the cafeteria to buy food.

Jay is waiting for me by the line to get food, he also saved me a spot. "Where were you?" he asks. "Locker" I simply answered.

We bought our lunch, which is the spicy noddle.

We took our tray outside and sat down. I mixed the noodle a bit and started breathing. "Oh my God! I can't believe we're doing this now" I said.

"We've been talking about this for days! Come on!" Jay encouraged. We're just lucky we don't have anymore classes this afternoon.

Carlos sits down with us and he sighs. "Are you guys doing this now?"

"Shush" Jay fired back. I took Carlos' water and drank from it before handing it back to him. "Thanks" I smiled.

"Oh come on! It's today?" Evie says as she, Mal, Harry, Gil and Dizzy arrived.

"Yeah! Wooo!" Jay shouts.

"What is this?" little Dizzy asks. "Jay and Y/N thought of this little game. It's called the Spicy Noodle Challenge" Mal answered.

"We're gonna eat the spicy noodle and as long as we can without having to drink water or whatever the deal is. As for us whoever drinks water first, loses" I smiled.

The gang watched me and Jay took our first bite.

Oh my God!! It's fucking spicy!!!

I started banging to table using my hand as I covered my mouth with the other one, breathing hardly to try to get the heat out.

"Oh my God!"Jay shouts. "So?" Evie asks.

"It actually burns" I said, touching my throat where the heat is now. I started coughing. "What the actual fuck?!?"

"Water?" Carlos tried to fool me but I took the bottle and hit his head. "I'll shove these goddamn spicy noodle down your throat" I threaten.

After a few seconds of breathing through open months and coughing, me and Jay had our second bites. And it was worse than the first.

Mal held her phone out and took a video of us. "It actually feels so hot in my throat" I complained.

"You have no idea how spicy it is guys" Jay says. I nod my head and decided to take another bite.

"Take it easy baby. It's not a race" Harry says to me while rubbing my back. I nod my head.

I took another bite and started screaming. "Oh my gosh it gets spicier every second" I said while leaning my head against Harry's shoulder and tried to cool my throat down. I noticed Jay is lightly fanning his mouth to cool his throat down. I laughed, "Drink water! Drink water!"

"No!" he replies.

We started breathing so hard to try to stop the heat that burning our throat. "Guys you don't understand how spicy it is" I said. I decided to take another bite.

The others just watched us with pure amazement. "Holy moly!!!" I shouted it pain. "Oh my goodness! Y/N your face is all red" Evie says.

I ignored her as me and Jay took another bite.
"Oh my God! I think I'm gonna loose" Jay says. "Fight Jay! You can't loose to a girl!" Carlos shouts. I took a small piece of the noodle using my fork and while Carlos is laughing, I shoved it in his mouth.

"Y/N!" the girls shout in shock. Carlos pushed my fork away and had no choice but to eat the noodle. "Holy mother-- Damn! Guys they were right! It is hot" Carlos says. He takes Gil's water bottle and drank from it.

After finished the whole bottle, he keeps fanning his mouth. "The water doesn't help! Oh my God! It burns down my throat!" he complains.

"What about me and Y/N? We had three bites already!" Jay says.

I leaned my head back against Harry's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me as he gave me a worried look.

"Come on. One more bite" Evie says. "No" me and Jay replied.

"I can't take it anymore" I whispered.

I grabbed my phone from my bag to check my reflection. My face and lips are red. And I swear, I wasn't even wearing any red lipstick and now my lips are red as rose!

Me and Jay looked at each other. I took my fork again and ate another bite with a small amount of noodle.

Jay glares at his plate before taking his water bottle and drank from it.

I screamed. "He drank water! He drank water!! Oh my gosh!"

He finished his water bottle, which is a huge hug of water.

"Yeah!! In your face Jay! I won!!" I cheered. Jay sticks his tongue out at me before drinking water again. "Oh Lord! It's so hot!!" he shouts.

For about ten minutes, we just laughed at Jay's red face.


So the challenge above is called the Spicy Noddle Challenge. It's a challenge where we eat the spicy noodle and then it depends what kind of consequence they will do.

It's a huge thing here in the Philippines cause it's fun :)


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