Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I ran to class, which In English and barged inside the room. The teacher stooped his discussion to look at me. "I'm not gonna ask, Hook. Take a seat" he motioned towards an empty seat beside Evie. I nodded and sat down.

"Is something wrong Harry?" she asked. I shook my head with a small smile, "No"

"As I was saying, today we'll be working on a new story. Read one of the Classic books titled Pride & Prejudice. Read the book and write an essay about it. It is due next month" the teacher said.

Some took out their books and started reading, some took their phone and started talking.

I on the other hand, take out a piece of paper and started writing random stuffs. At the corner of my eye, I saw Evie drawing some outfits. I simply rolled my eyes and played with my hook instead.

*Time Skip*

When school was over, I went outside by the field and saw Y/N with the soccer team.

I sat down on one of the bleachers and watched her do kick the ball and aimed the net. She's amazing.

"Okay guys, take a break!!" Y/N shouts. She ran over to the bleachers I'm near at to get her bag. When she looks up, she saw me and smiled, jogging over to seat next to me.

"Hey!" she waved before drinking her water from the bottle in her hand. "Hi. Cool practice" I smiled.

"Thanks. We've been practicing for a few weeks now. We have to get ready for the big game in two weeks" Y/N replied. "There's a game? Can I watch?" I asked. She giggled, "Everyone's invited"

I suddenly felt embarrassed and blushed. "Harry's blushing!!" Y/N cooed, lightly pinching my cheek. That only made my blush even more. "Stop" I whined.

"You're really cute" she said. I laughed and hid my face in my hand, "Oh my God!!"

"It's true! You're not only cute, you're also a gentleman. I like you" Y/N said.

When those words left her lips, I looked up. I like you too was the first thing that I wanted to reply.

Y/N also looks shock at her reply. She was about to say something but one of the team called her. "See ya" she mumbled and flashed a smile before jumping off the bleachers and ran over to the group of girls.

What the hell? Did Y/N just say she likes me? Did she meant it in a friendly way, or more than that?


When practice was over I ran to my locker. I got a few books inside and shoved my bag inside before running to my room.

I'm trying to avoid Harry, okay????

I just literally told him I like him. Who knows, he might be freaked out right now!

I ran to the boys' room and saw Carlos. Good thing Jay is not here.

"Oh, hey Y/N--"

"Carlos! I told Harry I like him!" I immediately covered my mouth using my hand in shock.

Carlos looks confused. "What?"

"I... I was practicing for our game, and then I saw Harry. I talked to him and then I blurted out ‘I like you’ in front of his face" I panicked.

Carlos raised an eyebrow. "So? What's the problem? You don't want that? At least now he knows how you feel!"

"It's not that! I don't even know if it means something to him, like, what if he thought of it as a friendly way?" I pointed out. "Oh God. Tomorrow things are going to be so awkward! I swear!"

Carlos rolled his eyes. "So you came here for that?"

"Who else can I run into? No one knows I love Harry except you!" I gasped, so did Carlos.

"Love?" he repeats. "You love him already?"

I sat down on the floor while covering my face and slowly nod my head. "Yeah. I love Harry"

Carlos smiled. Carlos put his laptop down and sat with me on the floor. "Why?"

"I don't know. I don't know why, it just happened. Probably because he's sweet and nice. I never pictures myself in love with someone before, and plus he's a villain. Whenever I see him around the halls, my heart beats like shit and then I get shy around him" I admitted. "Do you ever feel this way to Jane?"

Carlos nods. "Until now I still do. That's what happens when you're in love"

I smiled. "Help me"

Carlos smiled. "Of course. You're like a sister to me Y/N" he pulls me on his lap and hugged me.

"Hey! I wanna join!" Dude shouts and ran inbetween me and Carlos to join the hug.

I pat his head and he licked my nose.

"Thanks Carlos" I smiled.

"Don't mention it" he smirked.

There was silence between us until Carlos sighed. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you this Y/N"


Carlos looks hesitant but said, "I want to ask Jane out on a date and I don't know how"

My eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! That's so sweet of you Carlos! Of course!! I wanna help!" I squealed. "Oh thank God! I was running out of options. I thought of asking Jay but he's not great at all this. I mean he's a flirt but he does not know how to plan dates and stuffs" Carlos said.

I laughed. "That is Jay"

"Man up bro! You were having problems asking Jane out for the dance, now you're asking Y/N to help you set you two up on a date? What's next? You're gonna ask Adam to help you plan the wedding?" Dude joked.

Carlos playfully glared at Dude. "I love this dog so much" I said. I reached for my bag and fed Dude one of the cookies inside.

"Yeah. Me too" Carlos smiled and pats Dude's head.



It's been a while since I last update!


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