Chapter 19

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It's been a few days since Miss Ariel gave s the assignment. And to tell you he truth... Me and Harry haven't even started yet.

He claims he's busy helping Uma, or hanging out with Uma, or chatting with Uma... Basically Uma this, Uma that.

Everyday I would just watch them have fun. It pains me cause Harry keep blowing me off to spend time with Uma. It's like the never left the Isle, it's like Uma never disappeared.

At least Gil spends more time with us than with Uma and Harry. The gang comforts me in my room while I cry my eyes out.

I'm not only worried about my grade, but also my relationship with Harry.


After chemistry class, I saw Harry leaning against my locker. "Hey babe" he greets and kissed my cheek.

"Hi. Ready to work on our song?" I smirked, showing my laptop. "Of course" he says and held my hand.

Making our way to my dorm room, his phone beeps and he checked who texted him. Harry's eyes widened, "I'm sorry Y/N. Something came up. Can we reschedule? I promise I'll help you tomorrow" Harry said. He kissed my forehead and ran off before I could even say a word.

I sighed and then around, bumping into Eliot. "Hey"

"No Harry again?" he asks. "Nope"

(another flashback)

"Okay so which song do you prefer? Perfect by Ed Sheeran or Perfect by One Direction?" I asked Harry as I tore my eyes from my laptop screen to find him texting someone.

I sighed. "Harry!!" I shouted. "Yes babe?" he looks at me. "Come on. You have to help me with the assignment. It's due in two months" I complained.

"Yeah. Which means we can work on it some other time. Uma has to tell me something. I have to go" he says. He picks up his jacket and left without saying anything else. I sighed.

*End of Flashbacks*

There were multiple occasions where he would actually ditch or not show up at all. We haven't started our project yet, we haven't even thought of a song to sing!

I slammed my locker shut and saw Carlos jump back. "Whoa, easy girl. What happened?"

"Harry. He's been ditching me to hang out with Uma" I mumbled and ran a hand through my messy hair. "You haven't started your project yet? That project will cost half of your grade this year" he says.

"You think I don't know that? I wish I never picked him as my partner! There were some lonely nerds in the room, I could've picked them and made new friends" I sighed.

"I'll walk you to class before you decide to throw that scissors" Carlos offered.

I looked at the silver and sharp scissors in my hands before slamming the sharp part by the wall and left it there.

Carlos' eyes widen at my sudden action and watched me kick a trash can. "Sang boy" Dude mumbled and ran after me, Carlos close behind.

Carlos walked me to class and made me feel better. I patted Dude's head and hugged Carlos, kissing his cheek. "Thanks Carlos"

"Anytime" he smiles.

I walked inside to see Uma and Harry sitting next to each other. My eyes went on the empty seat by the corner so I took it and plugged my earphones to my ears, listening to music.

When class started, the teacher made an announcement with Eliot standing beside her. "I would like to announce that miss Y/N will no longer be working with Mr Hook due to some problems--"

I took my earphones off and looked at Harry who looks confuse and was about to protest.

"Ma'am! What problem are you talking about?" I asked. "And who's gonna a be my partner?"

"You will be working with Mr Frost now"  miss Ariel motions to Eliot who smirked at me. I squealed and rushed over to hug him. "You told her?" I whispered.

"Of course. I know how much this project means to you. Might as well work with your best friend than a boyfriend who never help you" he replied.

I nod my head, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Harry. "Thanks"

"So where should we work? Mine or yours?" Eliot asked. "Mine" I answered.

"I can sense your project will be a success" miss Ariel teased. "Oh it will" Eliot smiled.

The whole period was given to work on the project. I sat with Eliot and we talked about what song we should use.

I glanced a Harry who frowned at me.

When class was over, Eliot and I ran to his dorm room and locked ourselves inside. "Okay! So do you have any ideas?" he asked.

"I don't know. Do you feel like writing a song?" I replied. "Yes actually" he smiled.

"Then let's do it. Let's write a song" I cheered. We grabbed our papers and pens and sat on his bed.

We thought of a tune and lyrics for the song.

"What if we rewrite the stas
Say you were meant to be mine" a piece suddenly pops in my head and I immediately wrote it down.

"Hey! How about this, “What of we rewrite the stars. Say you were meant for be mine. Nothing could keep us apart. You'd be the one I waseant to find”" I sang.

"I love it! I actually wrote my part" Eliot agreed. He cleared his throat and sang,  “You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide" he sang.

"Woo!! Now this is what I'm talking about!!" I cheered and we high fived each other.

For the rest of the afternoon, we wrote and sing songs. Eliot and I have so many things in common that we can easily write songs.

After finishing half of verse two, we went to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

"At least we're half way there" I smiled. "I know! Hey, if we're done we can record our song in the music room" Eliot suggested. "Yeah! And then we'll make original songs or cover songs and form a band" I laughed.

We bought two boxes of pizza and sodas. While waiting for our food, I saw Harry and Uma hanging out in the cafeteria.

Looks like Harry found a new partner. I sighed. Eliot saw this and felt bad. "Don't regret this okay? I know how much this project means to you so it's better to work with someone who will actually do something" he says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" I shrugged. After receiving our pizza, we walked back to my room and continued writing our song.



You and Harry are avoiding each other!!!


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