Chapter 15

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When school was over, I ran to Harry's room and saw him laying down on the bed, his hat covering his eyes.

I put my bag down on the floor and slowly walked to his bed, taking his hat off his face. His eyes opened and smirked when he saw me. "Why hello baby girl" he says. His Scottish accent always makes me smile. He always makes me smile.

"Hey" I said.

He sits up while smiling at me. "What brings you here darling?"

"Can't I visit my boyfriend?" I asked, a small smirk making its way to my lips. He pretended to think which makes me pout.

"Okay. It seems like you don't want me here, I'll be going now" I slowly picked my bag up and made my way to the door.

"No!" Harry shouts while snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me back on his bed towards him.

"Don't leave" he whispers. He hugged me for a while before the door opened and there stood our friends, plus Ben.

"We didn't walk in something right?" Jay asked. "Yeah actually. We were about to have sex in Harry and Gil's room" I said, putting up a serious look on my face.

Ben's face was shock, his eyes widen. "What?!"

"Kidding. God" I replied. Ben sighs. "But if you do plan on doing in, please be quiet or use protection" Mal says with a playful smirk.

"Mal!" Ben scolds. "Joking" the purple haired girl replied.

"Get off" Evie said, pulling me away from Harry. "Nooo" I playfully said, spreading my arms towards Harry. "My baby" Harry says.

Evie sits down on one of the chairs and placed me on her lap.  "Mine" Evie says, playfully glaring at Harry.

"Y/N you left me in class today" Dizzy pouts. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry little Dizzy" I said giving her a hug. "I just miss Harry so much, I ran to his room immediately"

"Awe! Do you miss me that much baby girl?" Harry smirked.

I smiled. "Of course I do"

"I love you" he says. "Love you too" I replied.

"Please guys, just kiss already" Jay said. "Oh God. Really Jay?" Carlos sighs, covering his eyes. "Okay. If you guys are gonna a kiss please do it fast"

I threw a pillow at Carlos making dude laugh at him. "Nice one Y/N!" he says. I smiled and tossed a piece of treat to him. "Yum!" he says.

I wiggled myself out of Evie's grasp before skipping towards Harry's bed and sat next to him, kissing his lips.

"What brings you guys here anyway?" I asked once I pulled away, pushing my face away from Harry's when he tries to get another kiss from me.

"Just visiting our favorite girl in the school" Carlos shrugged. I smiled, "Awe! Love you Carlos"

He gives me a thumbs up. "But seriously. Ben wouldn't come here if he simply wants to see me y'know" I pointed out.

"What? Oh yeah, mom and dad wants you to have dinner with us tonight" he says. "And by that. I mean, plus the new VK's" Ben adds.

Okay believe it or not, I haven't introduced Harry to my parents yet, since they're busy.
Harry looks at me and gives me a panic look. "I'm gonna meet your parents?"

I nod my head. "Yeah hun" I smiled. 

I can tell by the look on his face, he's nervous. So to assure him, I pecked his cheek. "They're going to love you, baby"

"Well before anything else, welcome to the future family Harry!" Mal says. "OMG! I'm gonna do your dresses for tonight" Evie squeals before dragging me and Mal to their room, Dizzy running after us.

*Time Skip*

I sat in front of Mal and Ben with Harry seated beside me, Gil sitting next to him and Dizzy next to Mal.

Mom and dad will be arriving soon since they got caught up with a meeting. Harry's been nervous since we arrived, fidgeting and twiddling his hands and asking me if he looks okay. And I'm not gonna lie, he looks extremely hot.

"You'll do fine Harry" I assured him. "Just calm down, mate. Take it from me, cause I've been there before" Mal says.

Harry took a few deep breaths before he calmed down.

Soon the doors opened and mine and Ben's beloved parents entered the room.

Me and Ben got up from our seats and walked towards our parents. "Hi mom. Hi dad" I greeted, kissing their cheeks. "It's good to see you again Y/N" mom says, giving me a hug.

Dad does the same. "How are you son?" he asked Ben. "Stressed" Ben replies and we laughed. "You'll get the hang of it" dad says to Ben.

Mal approachex us and greeted mom and dad as well. "Good evening. Thank you for having us here" she says politely.

"Oh don't think much of this dear. You're all part of the family now" mom smiles, kissing Mal's temple.

Dad looks at the company now standing up from the table. "And I assume these are the new students" he smiled.

We walked to the table. I can see Harry's panicking. "I hope Ben and Y/N didn't give you a hard time, considering you're still... Adjusting to the new life here at Auradon Prep" dad adds.

"We're not that bad" Ben whispered. "Mom, dad. These are Gil son of Gaston, Dizzy daughter of Drizzela and Harry son of Captain Hook" I introduced.

"Good evening. Thank you for having us" Harry spoke first. "Uhm mom, dad..." I spoke again.

"There's something I have to tell you" I began. "I'm dating someone already"

They smiled. "Oh thank heavens! It's about time" mom said.

"I do hope it's not that Chad kid. Don't get me wrong sweetie, but I just don't like him for you" dad said. "That's what you said about Audrey months ago, dad" Ben says, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah cause some kids don't match with mine" dad smirks. "Okay! So who's the lucky guy, Y/N?"

I walked towards Harry's side of the table and held his hand.

"Harry... Dad" I smiled.


What will Adam and Belle say about this???


Gotta Flash !!!!!

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