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"What language does the stomach speak?" Taehyung asked with his hands in his pocket as we walked down the bridge in the dark. The street lights with yellow pools of light at their foot illuminated the path.


"Hungarian" he laughed.

I shook my head, another laugh escaping my lips. He had sent the driver off so we could walk back home. The boy was trying to fetch more time for himself to spend together which made me feel warm.

"Wanna hear more?" He turned to me.

"Yes, please" the grin on my face was constant.

"What's the difference between a piano, tuna fish and a tube of glue?"

"What?" I asked for the n'th time.

"You can tune a piano. But you can't piano a tuna"

"What about the glue?" I furrowed my brows.

"I knew you'd get stuck on that" he laughed making me take a deep breath.

"Who did you learn these from?" I asked, still finding it hard to digest all the jokes he'd fed me all evening.

"A friend " he looked down at the ground before looking back up, "he comes up with the best dad jokes".

"I can see" I stepped closer to Taehyung as a vehicle passed by.

"One more?" His voice hopeful.

"No, enough for today"

"What did the grape say when it was crushed?" He bit his lip distracting me for a mere second.

"What did it say?"

"Nothing " he shrugged,"it let out a little wine".

And I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm not sure if I should throw you off this bridge or kiss you".

His head whipped towards me, a smirk forming on his face as he spoke, "can I pick?".

"Go ahead" I smirked back.

"Kiss me" he said bluntly.

I chuckled, my feet coming to a halt. Turning to him, I yanked the boy closer until there were only inches left between us, the closer I got, the smaller his smile got until he had a serious expression plastered on his face.

His eyes stared into mine before closing shut. I watched him closely, the  moment his breath ghosted over my lips, I angled my neck a bit to press my lips against his cheek.

A small peck and i pulled away.

"There you go" I clapped my hands together, "a kiss!".

"Uh" he breathed out, frustration clear in his tone, "thanks?".

"Don't mention it" I waved him off, walking ahead while he stood rooted to the spot.

"You coming?"

"Yes" he caught up quickly.

The walk until we reached home was mostly filled with random talks, genuine laughter and a bunch of pick up lines all from Tae.

"Won't you give me your number?" He questioned on reaching the entrance of my house.

"Why would I do that?"

"Don't you want to stay in touch with an amazing guy like myself?" He cocked a brow.

"Nah, I'll settle for a normal guy I guess" I answered.

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