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He pressed his lips to the lobe of my ear and I sighed before wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Ah" he exhaled, his breath hot against my skin as I got closer to him until I could reach the pistol he'd tucked into his belt, behind him.

Pulling away at once, I pointed the gun straight at his head, "move and I pull the trigger".

Taehyung was taken aback and so was I. The words that had slipped out of his mouth earlier had me shivering in shock. Nobody had ever said something like that to me and what? 'I want you in my bed with a ring on your finger'.. Ring..

"Will you shoot me?" He smirked and I straightened up.

" I gladly will" I spoke sternly, "stay wherever you are".

"Yes, ma'am" he grinned.

"Hands over your head!"

And he slowly lifted his hands and put them behind his neck, the sick grin still plastered on his face.

"Where's your phone?"

"In my pocket" he chuckled.

Groaning, I pressed the gun against his forehead, my eyes trained on his face as I pushed my left hand into one of his pant pockets.

I searched around for the sleek device, paying extra attention to the expression on his face.

And just then, my hand brushed against something, something I shouldn't have touched.

"Watch your hands babygirl " he chuckled and I stepped away immediately.

"Ugh!" I pushed my hand into the other pocket and fetched his phone out.

Stepping away from him, gun still aimed at him, I unlocked the phone to call my father.

A few rings at first and he picked up,  "hello" His voice seemed strained and stressed.

"Dad! It's me" I spoke quickly, "I'm safe, at Taehyung's place."

"Thank heavens! I was so so worried!" His voice was unsteady and I felt a pang of pain in my chest for putting my old man through this. The thought of losing his  daughter and only pillar of support had clearly gotten the best of him.

"Dad listen! I want you to trace the call and come find me, with maximum backup! I repeat, maximum backup!"

"Don't worry sweetie, I've got you! Just keep the man busy will ya?" Dad spoke referring to Taehyung. He was breathing heavy and appeared to be rushing out to help me.

"Counting on you dad!" I smiled, holding the device still in my hand, not ending the call, giving the police enough time to track the cell.

"He seems to be extremely worried.." Taehyung commented.

It was my turn to smile now, "Oh yes he is. He also is extremely angry. Might even end you the moment he sees you".

"That is only if he sees me" he smirked, stepping forward.

"I will shoot you Tae, I swear" I stepped away, keeping distance so he wouldn't snatch the gun from me, while I ended the call now.

"Shoot me" he chuckled, taking quick steps towards me and I backed away fully.

It was when the wall hit my back and the boy was only a metre or two away that I warned him again, "Taehyung stop right where you are-" and he took another step, I lowered the gun to his feet and pulled the trigger.

The click resonated in the quiet room, but the gun didn't fire. No bullets! The barrel was empty!

"You roam around with an unloaded gun?" I yelled, clearly angry at the man. He was a world class criminal for God's sake.

custody | kth (wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now