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"Morning dad!" I grinned at the man as he stretched, walking into the kitchen.

"Good Morning.." He nodded, getting closer only to give my head a little pat before he grabbed a glass of water for himself.

"Coffee.." I informed, placing the cup closer to him on the kitchen slab before sipping on my own.

"Heard you went out on a date yesterday?" He asked, trying his best to sound as casual as possible. A part of him did want me to get into a relationship but a part of him was afraid of me moving out with some guy leaving him alone.

"Yeah, it was okay.." I shrugged.

"Do you like him?" He raised a brow.

"Umm-yeah, he's nice" I answered making dad look up at me, "not really my type though".

Relief washing over him was obvious as his tensed shoulders relaxed at my statement.

He took shorts steps towards the living room and I followed him. The man looked lost in thought and as much as I wanted to  know why, there was something else that I wanted to know more.


The girl rushed out of her room, "Y-yes?"

"Is there someone else in your  room?" I asked, not wanting to mention Hyun and alert dad about a man sleeping in his house without his knowledge.

"No" She shook her head. He must have left early in the morning.

"Why would someone be there in her room?" Father furrowed his brows at me, making me shake my head, "I thought I heard somebody" I waved it off.

The nurse returned to her room, relieved, as I sat down with the only man in the hall, waiting for him to tell me what he had been waiting to.

"So.." He started and I hummed in response, swallowing the liquid I'd just sipped.

"I have some news for you" he wiggled his brows making me laugh.

"What is it?"

"Well, it's a request actually" he shrugged, "I, sorry, we want you to go back undercover..".

The statement took me by surprise. As much as I wanted to smash the cup to the ground and walk away, I held myself back. Staring blankly at the man, I shook my head, "no".

"I know..I know this is too much to ask for but please-" he tried to convince me, only to have me stand upright, preparing to leave, "sorry dad..I can't".

"Why don't you hear me out?" He raised his voice.

"Because I'm done with it! I can't live a different life again. I've done it once and once is enough! I've just come back home, to you and mum. Why're you trying to push me away again?" I gulped.

"Honey.." He started, placing his mug on the table before approaching me, "please dad..I can't".

"Hear me out.."

"No! Don't touch me!" I pushed his hand away as he tried to touch my shoulder.

"Alright! Alright! No undercover. Okay?" He raised his arms up in the air in surrender.

"Okay" I looked away, the memories of staying away from home were flooding back, making me want to cry.

"Come here" he mumbled before pulling me in a hug, giving my head a little pat, "I'd never send you away. Never again" he rubbed my back soothingly as I tightened my hands around his waist.

"I really don't want to go" I confessed, exposing my weaker side only to him.

The room was quiet for a while. Neither of us spoke anything. It was only when I pulled away that dad decided to break the silence, "There's something I need to show you".

custody | kth (wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now