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I rushed that morning. Rushed into the bathroom and out of it. Rummaging through the clothes I had, I wore a nice cream colored sweater and paired it up with some pants. Not bothering to comb my hair, I tied it up in a bun and ran out to the dining hall when I heard voices- Taehyung's voice in particular.

I couldn't describe how thrilling it was to have him here and knowing how dangerous this could be. Even if he messed up a tiny little bit, he'd get caught--

"Oh shit!"

Slowing down, I watched wide eyed as Taehyung sat at the dining table, food half eaten in his plate. He had no mask on and it made me swallow repeatedly to get rid of the dryness in my throat. With muffled steps, I entered the scene only to find my father, only a foot away from the boy, staring him down. Hyun Woo and Jihyun had their guns drawn out. My mother stood on the far end, her lips pursed and brows furrowed. What did shock me was that there was an extra person in the room and it was the man Taehyung pretended to be. It was the original agent sent by the CIA.

"Honey.." Dad's voice snapped me out of the daze, turning everyone's heads towards me and mine towards my father, "you're on time" he tossed Taehyung's mask on the table, which landed like a piece of rubber on wood.

"Dad.." I started, not really know what to speak at this point. There he was, standing right in front of Taehyung, for the second time. He'd do anything to not lose him this time.

"I called for backup" he spoke calmly, before taking a seat across from Taehyung. I watched them carefully and as if on cue, the boy's eyes moved to land on me for a few seconds before he shifted his focus to the plate before him.

He munched on a slice of fruit, grabbing the glass of milk and taking a sip as if everything was perfectly normal.

"Why did you come to my house?" My father inquired, folding his arms over the wood in front of him.

"I'm here for your daughter." he mumbled with a mouth full of food, making me choke on my own spit. A minute of silence filled the room as I looked over to my mother with wide eyes who was trying so hard not to smile. How was she even smiling at this point?!

"What the fuck?" I intervened, before anything could go down between the only two men that mattered to me.

"Shush!" Dad raised a finger, not even bothering to look up at me as he continued to talk to Taehyung, "What is it that someone like you needs from her?"

"I don't need anything from her, sir. I need her".

"You don't even know her! Of all the girls, you think you can court my daughter?" His voice was a pitch higher but he was surprisingly still calm.

"We've met a few times" he stated with a smirk on his face. This made my father turn to look at my face, and I panicked, "Dad, it was before you told me about him! I had arrested him once for spray painting on the walls and met him a few times after that but- that's it!" I tried to patch up the damage Taehyung had already done. Why was he doing this?

The sound of the door unceremoniously opening with a loud thud grabbed all our attention and within seconds, the dining room was too small for the number of people that flooded in. There were atleast twenty of them. Taehyung is known to have the best backup and nobody in our department wants to risk it.

"Sir!" The agent from CIA stepped forward and as he drew out his gun, he turned to introduce himself to me, "I'm Lee". There were no hands shook, as I nodded quietly, "Ji Yeon". He smirked, "I know" and little did he know that it could potentially trigger Taehyung- the most dangerous man in the city.

Lee moved over to the boy, grabbing his collar at once and tugging it, "We'd like to take him to our quarters before we hand him over to you. Will that be a problem?" the man had his gun at Taehyung's neck.

"Proceed" my father answered curtly.

I shivered at the sight, my hands balled into fists as a drop of sweat trickled down my spine. As if he was a contrast, Taehyung was busy wiping his lips with a napkin before placing it on the table. "The food was delicious" he grinned at my mother who jolted before forcing out a smile, not a single word spoken. I had my eyes on the man, waiting for him to get to me.

This time, I really did want Taehyung to put a gun to my head and use me to get out of this place but it just wouldn't work. We were separated by the dinner table, men with guns already at Taehyung's head, he had no way out.

Or so I thought until he turned to Lee before a series of words slipped right past his tongue, "How's your grandma doing, Lee? I heard she's getting discharged from the hospital tomorrow". None of us had any idea, what he was talking about, but Lee did. The agent stiffened at his words, releasing his grip on V's collar.
"Some of my people have been visiting her everyday. She's doing fine apparently " Taehyung waved off before leaning close, "--she won't after they put a bullet in her head" he smirked.

The room fell silent at once that we could hear a pin drop. As Lee stepped away, tucking his gun back into his belt, "please" he begged, his eyes almost wet with tears.

"The general hospital doesn't provide good security now, does it?" The man chuckled as he stood up, grabbing the mask from the table before shoving it into Lee's arms.

Taehyung then turned to scan the room, looking around as if he was searching for his next target and then he motioned to one of the agents at the back. "You" he raised his hand to point at the man, "Isn't your son at school today? His grades have been dropping lately. " He shook his head,"You should help him with his studies. After all, you're raising him alone" Taehyung reached out to pick a toothpick from the tiny box in the middle of the table.

"And oh, you -" the boy chuckled, turning to the agent on his extreme left, sticking the sharp end in his own mouth, "who's that lady you keep seeing at the bar huh? It hasn't even been an year since the wedding, cheating on your wife already?".

Nobody dared to speak. Looks were exchanged and the air around us grew thicker as all eyes were on Taehyung, begging him to not harm their loved ones. It only showed how powerful he really was. On the outside, he'd be judged as a young, careless boy with an attractive face but there was so much more to it. He was smart, evil, cunning and always knew the way out. He knew how to walk into the fire and put it out if he needed to. He was sheilded and well armed when he stepped into the lion's den.

Taehyung does not have a good backup. He is his backup.

"Now if you guys will allow me, I have work to attend to" he smiled. The agents, all of them, tucked their guns away; parting to make way for the man. But Taehyung had to turn around to face my father and tick him off before he left.

Crossing over the table, he covered the few steps before coming face to face with my father and I was only a step away. "I like your daughter, Sir" he stated and I wanted to run away at this point, "and with all due respect, I don't like it when you bring men in to catch me. I get claustrophobic " he grinned before coming over to me.

This was going to be bad.

This was going to be so bad. And then, he leaned in to place a kiss against my forehead, earning a glare from my father as I sighed in both fear and concern. "I'll catch you later, babe".

With that, he left.


What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter?🌚

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