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Expensive dining, candle lights, dimmed chandeliers with silk draped over them, dark wooden table, soft cushioned chairs and Taehyung in a dark blue formal shirt and black dress pants was too much for my little brain to process and for my poor heart to handle.

"Isn't this a little too much?" I finally asked, voicing out my thoughts, swallowing the food I was chewing on.

Halfway through the main course now, our conversation started at how pretty Taehyung thought I looked in a white dress to how nice pancakes are, to how to grip the wine glass the right way.

"Do you like it?" He posed a question to my own.

"Yes, but isn't this a little too much?" I asked, leaning in closer and making a face.

The boy chuckled, "it isn't if you like it".

"Ah, cheesy" I commented, shaking my head.

I popped another fork full of food into my mouth and looked up to catch V staring right at me, his eyes a shade darker than usual, the candle light doing justice to his slightly tanned skin.

"I know I'm beautiful. You don't have to stare.." I wiggled my brows, my mood surprisingly elevated for the night.

Taehyung laughed, agreeing completely. I had nothing to worry about today. Family was great. My friends, Haasa and Hyun would finally get air to spend time with each other and build their relationship and as far as my job was concerned, he sat right in front of me, admiring my face and the way I hogged. What more could I ask for?

"I know I'm beautiful, you don't have to stare.." He repeated my own words back to me and when I realised I was the one gawking at him, I had to clear my throat and sip on the wine at the side of the table, "Yes, right!".

This dinner was purposeful. V had promised to tell me what "we" were if I met him tonight and I was waiting for him to arrive at the topic but the boy had done a great job at avoiding any talk that went close to "us".

The moment dessert arrived, I watched Taehyung pick his spoon up before looking at me.

"Are you gonna get to the topic or nah?" I raised my brows.

"I will.." He nodded before filling his mouth with ice cream, making me sigh at the way he was acting tonight.

"Seriously, Tae!".

Ten minutes later, Taehyung paid the bill and I stared at him with hands folded against my chest, heel clad feet tapping against the tiled floor under the table.

Once the table was cleared, the man motioned for one of the waiters and the guy came in to deliver a neat black file.

I watched closely as he left with a bow and Taehyung turned to me before placing the file on the table between the two of us.

"What is that?" I asked curiosly.

"Umm, it's like a contract but not exactly one.." He trailed off, as if toying with words and waiting for my reaction.

I quickly slid back on my chair, "if you're planning to pull some fifty shades of Grey shit on me, then don't do it".

"It's not that" he laughed, his teeth in full view and his eyes showing amusement, "but it's nice to know you're into such movies".

"I'm not!" I protested immediately, "I mean, I've watched it but I'm not into all that, ugh, anyway" I shook my head trying not to get away, "What's in the file?".

"There's two things.." He started and I listened closely, "here's the first one" he opened the file to pull out a set of papers and push them towards me.

Taking a deep breath, I looked down at the cleanly printed black and red text in a classic font against a milk white background.

"You asked me what "we" are.. I don't know. But this is what we will be" he stated calmly, while I read intently.

"Taehyung this.." I looked up at him.


"D-did you just-" I stuttered.


"This thing" I looked at the papers and back at him.


"Tae!" I groaned, looking down at the papers in front of me. It read:

Day 0: Candle light dinner

Day 1: Go to the movies

Day 2: Have a pillow talk

..and so on till Day 30. Each day highlighting something that I was supposed to do on that day, for a month whole.

"Did you plan this month out for me?" I narrowed my eyes at the boy and he nodded with a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"I have work to do, Tae. Also, these are all the things couples do.." I shrugged.

"I am work, Ji. And, I want us to be a couple" he said.

"If this is your way of asking me to be your girlfriend.." I shook my head, "You're not doing it right".

"Let me do it right then.." He smiled and my eyes widened when he stretched his hand across the table for me to take..and I did.

Leaving the papers on the table, he walked me to the balcony and I took in a deep breath when he stepped closer, wrapping his hands securely around my own.

"Date me" he grinned and I couldn't help but chuckle and smack his chest.

"What makes you think I would?" I questioned, my mind almost slapping me for what I was doing. Firstly, I agreed to be on Taehyung's team. Secondly, I had kissed him..twice? And now this?

No matter how hard I tried to resist this boy, he always managed to make his way into my heart and I decided to give him a chance. After all, dating was something a little over friendship, which included spending time with the person you like and see if you want to marry them in the future..right?

"Date me" he repeated, ignoring my question completely.

"What makes you thi-"

"Date me, Ji"

I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding. "I will" I nodded and in a split second, he tugged me close until my chest was flush against his and I gasped at the proximity as if this was the first time he was this close.

"can I get a kiss, girlfriend?" He smirked and I grinned wide at that. His warm breath brushing against the cold skin on my face as he leaned in and waited for me to make a move, had my toes curl and muscles tense.

"I want to cringe so hard, Tae. This is so mmf-" and he pressed his lips against mine before I could even finish.

The way his lips moved softly against mine had my mind spinning and my heart drowning in whatever he had pushed me into. I'd gone from a perfectly trained police officer, to someone who had trampled all over loyalty and taken the side of a criminal and now, turned in to a girl who was acting her age and kissing a man she was attracted to.

When he pulled away, a million thoughts rushed through my brain, telling me how what I was doing was so wrong but I did not know why it felt so right.

"And about the second thing.." Taehyung reminded, snapping me out of my thoughts. I'd forgotten that he was here to talk about two things and the latter being..

"I need you to be blind to my activities in the city for the next one month" he said.


AN: I know I'm super late but ay, Merry Christmas! I hope yall had lots of fun. Someone gimme some cake for this update!! 🙈❤️

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